Hero Template

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Vector Hero: Rush
Staff member

Name: The real name of your character.
Epithet: What is the name the public knows you by?
Age: How old is your character?
Gender: What is their gender?
Ethnicity: What ethnicity do they belong to?

Height: How tall is the character?
Weight: How much does the character weigh?
Blood Type: What is their blood-type?


Personality: How does your character behave? What sort of habits does he or she have? How are they perceived by others?
Notable Features: What physical features or traits stand out about your character? (i.e, do they appear as an animal? Are they missing a limb?)

Relatives: Does your character have any relatives?
Personal Relationships: Who are they acquainted with?


Alignment: Hero / Villain / Vigilante / Student
Affiliation: U.S. Meta Association / Novus Academy / Patriot Liberation Front / Virtue Killers / Sagarminaga Cartel / Hyakki Yagyo / Independent
Title: The title they hold among their ranks.
Role/Position: What is their job within the organization?
Partner(s): Who do they currently work with?
Previous Partner(s): Who have they worked with in the past?

Base of Operations: Agency / Novus Academy / The Factory / The Maze / Devil’s Lounge / Rengoku / Other


Power: S/A/B/C/D/E Rank
The Power stat is an accumulation of physical prowess, strength, and quirk ability in combat. It also has a contribution towards stamina, defense, and destructive power output. If an individual has a high power stat that most likely means they are physically fit, resilient, and have a powerful quirk. This stat is useful for defense, offense, and durability, as well as just physical strength itself. People with a higher power level are able to remove debris, withstand more and deal more damage.

E-Rank: Individuals of this class of power likely are way beneath the average. They are likely frail, incapable of most physical feats of strength, and ultimately have a quirk that likely doesn’t do much to compensate for the shortcomings.

D-Rank: A combatant in the D-Class is just beneath the average. They can most-like take a few hits here and there and exhibit small bouts of strength. This rank is often compared to those who are active but untrained, leading to nothing really standing out but them not being hindered by this in the day to day.

C-Rank: Welcome into the common masses. Those whose power is ranked C-Class make up the majority of the public. They can withstand a decent amount of damage and exhibit bouts of strength that can mean the difference between life and death in certain cases. Quirks up to this ranking likely haven’t made much of a shift in their power rating, but can certainly aid.

B-Rank: Athletes fall into this category. You are someone who has trained to improve their body not only for the sake of their health but also for performance. Running and fighting for long lengths of time, being capable of lifting others, and exhibiting a heightened degree of durability.

A-Rank: You are superhuman. You’d think that would be an understatement in the world of quirks but not necessarily to this degree. Your potential for dominance over a battle is clearly known. Someone of this class can slam enemies with enough force to crack the very ground beneath them. They could also power through severe injuries long enough to likely subdue their opposition. Supplemented by their quirk, individuals that fall in this class would be seen as threats to either side.

S-Rank: A rare rank to be seen, but one that comes with fame or infamy. S-Rank means that the holder of this classification can outlast a whole group of opponents with ease. Their physical state and quirk output are matched by really only those of their own class or of a large group of lower ranked combatants. This rank can only really be achieved by individuals who not only work themselves to the point of being at the pinnacle state of training but also have a quirk that bolsters those efforts. S-Level is the equivalent of being a one-man army.


Speed: S/A/B/C/D/E Rank
Speed measures one’s latent physical reaction time and their general movement speed. Such a skill is invaluable when it comes to maneuvering the terrain of ruins, avoiding attacks, or using your superior speed to gain an upper hand in the midst of battle.

E-Rank: E-Class is the lowest classification of speed. Individuals marked with this classification likely can’t keep up with even a jogger. Their reaction times are likely delayed to the point they may not even notice something until it has already hit them.

D-Rank: Those in this classification are unremarkable in their speed but can at least clear a distance in their own time. They may not be the first one on the scene but at least they made it there.

C-Rank: The average person falls into this category. Those ranked at C can clear small distances at a decent pace and can keep up with incoming strikes and projectiles that have no enhanced acceleration by external factors.

B-Rank: Above the masses, B-Class can run down criminals with great results. Actions beyond simply running will also be significantly faster at this state, such as vaulting and climbing.

A-Rank: Those of A-Class aren’t just clearing rooms with their speed but maybe even whole city blocks. Whether it be by their own natural prowess or a movement ability from their quirk, they are leading the charge. Landing a solid blow on them or escaping their pursuit is a difficult task for most not classed in the A-Tier.

S-Rank: Speed demons at their finest. To some their movements may go overlooked due to the sheer pacing at which they can move. An untrained eye seeing nothing more than a blur as the individual moves about. They have the full ability to charge through crowds of enemies and land blows likely before they even fully realize what is happening. Their reaction speed is also something that is frightening, likely being able to avoid high speed objects and attacks with reflexes alone.


Technique: S/A/B/C/D/E Rank
Proficiency in Technique means one knows how to use one’s own quirk effectively within its limiters. Every quirk has at least one limiting factor, whether it be fatigue, nausea, or even just the amount of time it can be used in one sitting. This stat ultimately dictates how well an individual can make use of their quirk despite any drawbacks it may bring.

E-Rank: Those that fall into E-Tier either don’t quite know what their quirk is or can’t consistently activate it.

D-Rank: Individuals here are likely rather new to making use of their quirk and have yet to overcome any weaknesses brought about by their power.

C-Rank: At the level, a person knows their quirk and understands its drawbacks. They are likely still not crazy proficient in using it, but they can use it easily in their day to day endeavors.

B-Rank: In B-tier, an individual has gained a deeper understanding of their ability and can use it in niche applications. The tradeoffs of their quirk are less pronounced at this state because they’ve come to find ways to circumvent the drawbacks.

A-Rank: A-Class people are able to use their quirk with extreme precision. Any negatives of their quirk usage have become almost non-existent due to their dedicated training.

S-Rank: Individuals at this tier probably don’t even notice they have a drawback. Whatever weaknesses come from the usage of their power have been so well adjusted to that it is just a normal factor. Something their body and mind have attuned to exist with.


Intelligence: S/A/B/C/D/E Rank
Intelligence is a bit broad and often has a different focus depending on the experience level of a specific individual. For seasoned heroes and villains this statistic would weigh heavier than that of a student. A student who has high intelligence will not necessarily be at the same point as a pro-hero who has that same level but also years of field knowledge. Intelligence plays into a few factors. Those can include general IQ, EQ, snap-reaction decisions, observational skills, use of logic, rationale, general problem solving, and the ability to derive strengths and weaknesses. It does not always come down to who is simply book smart, but often more so how they can use what they know to do their job the most efficiently. It is also important to note that one can have higher proficiencies in a certain category of “intelligence” and have lower proficiencies in others. I.E. one can be street smart, but have absolutely no book smarts whatsoever. If this is the case, an appropriate description is needed to show why your character is at the level in which they are stated.

E-Rank: At this rank, an individual likely lacks the basic understanding of situations, and have to be told numerous times about even the most basic of things. Not only is information harder to receive, but information is harder to actually retain. Characters displaying this level of intelligence could be comparable to that of a typical middle schooler in a broad sense of intelligence.

D-Rank: An individual of this caliber often has an unimpressive degree of observational skills and logic. Although one might not be considered the sharpest tool in the shed, at this level one displays the ability to utilize their intelligence in day to day situations comparable to that of an average high schooler. One’s ability to gather and retain information is stifled immensely, but is still attainable with considerable practice and effort.

C-Rank: At an average place, C-Ranks have decent understanding and awareness of that which they apply themselves to. At this rank, people have the intelligence of an average adult. From common sense, to street smarts, to the average wisdom of day-to-day instances, one of this caliber has the wits to survive on their own in the usual instance. There is nothing fancy about this rank as it is simply a display of average adult’s intelligence.

B-Rank: Those are B-Rank likely were the overachievers growing up. Having a good understanding of how things work and could learn new information quickly. Those with this level of intelligence are “above average” in their day to day processes of thinking. One might consider them wise no matter what age they are. Usually those with this level of intelligence specialize in a certain category of intelligence, but it is not unheard of for someone to be rather capable in multiple categories due to their ability to gather and retain information on a higher degree than an average person. Their use of this higher form of intelligence is usually applied in their daily lives.

A-Rank: Those that display an A rank of intelligence are usually ones that are inventors, innovators, master manipulators, or those that display a strong usage of their brain. In truth, they display mastery in an individual craft, or even go as far as to be highly adept in multiple instances. They are able to simplify their life in any given instance and usually are able to find ways to achieve greatness with their minds alone, from prodigies to geniuses, those that display this level of intelligence have shown to adapt to something at a degree that humanity rarely sees.

S-Rank: Those that display an S rank of intelligence have in some way altered the very lives that everyone lives to this day. They are what geniuses inspire to be. Those that have an S Rank level of intelligence. The way that one thinks, the way that one perceives their environment is on a level of untold proportions. Those that hold this level of intelligence hold a degree of absolute knowledge of the world around them due to some reason and have displayed a mastery of intelligence in multiple categories.


Cooperativeness: S/A/B/C/D/E Rank
At its core, Cooperativeness (Co-Op) is based on one’s natural ability to interact positively with a fellow ally and others alike. This includes things such as reputation, natural charisma, leadership, etc. Cooperative individuals can work with others with amazing results or sway others to their own values. Where the other stats focus on one's combative levels, this one highlights their outward ability to interact with others and the value that can bring.

E-Rank: Characters at this rank are social stigmas. The idea of getting along with someone is something not only foreign, but ineffective in any situation. Even the use of one’s own quirk paired with someone else would be a hindrance to the team and will very likely give whatever adversary they face an advantage. Whether it be due to a personality trait, lack of experience, or the very idea of being unable to actually communicate with others and are likely to hinder even the strongest of teams as teamwork does not work well for them. Characters at this rank are not leaders in any regard, and bear no sort of appeal to the public – heroes and villains alike. At this rank, one is considered no one and is generally unappealing.

D-Rank: Characters at this rank grasp the idea of teamwork, but are just not efficient at using others abilities in tandem with their own. Although the idea and potentially the want to be a part of a team, characters generally hold others back due to a personal issue in some way, shape, or form. Although characters at this rank may hold some sort of public interest, one of this caliber wouldn’t even make an ad in the newspaper. These characters are not that much of an asset with others and have a higher chance at being a detriment in situations involving others.

C-Rank: At this rank, one’s ability to be effective in a teamwork setting is nothing more than average, making use of their own abilities more so than utilizing the abilities of others around them. Usually, those with this rank are better off with teammates they have worked for years and years with in order to have a decently structured strategy in order to make use of their skills. Usually teaming up with someone new would lead to mistakes and a lack of synergy. The amount of publicity one may receive at this level would genuinely depend on what they do, and have a chance of getting notoriety or fame based on what they do in a given situation. Usually at this level, one isn’t all that known to the public.

B-Rank: One’s ability to work with others is progressively useful and one can use their quirk to be a blessing to their comrades in a practiced setting in a time frame from a few weeks to a few days. They have the ability to not only encourage others, but are seen as useful when paired with others. Generally speaking, usually people would want to be paired with someone of this caliber due to their ability to have an understanding of the people around them’s limitations, usefulness, and ability and be able to successfully use that in a general sense. At this point, one is not only a great follower, but displays the ability to lead as their charisma can be notably seen. The public opinion can be swayed by someone of this level, and the amount of influence they have has been cemented due to past events they have done in order to be perceived as positive or negative.

A-Rank: At this rank, one displays the ability to be a leader in any circumstance they come across. They are able to quickly assess one’s flaws and strengths and use them to an advantage in a team setting with simply being able to have an idea of what the individual(s) can do. Usually those of this rank are veterans in the field of service whether they align with good or evil. Those at this rank show the ability to assist others in their quirks as well, being able to teach others how to use their quirks more effectively in some way, shape, or form. Tools such as manipulation or encouragement can be used to get what they want out of a situation is something that happens naturally due to who they are. The public generally has a strong opinion about those within this category as they have displayed some form of negative or positive behavior.

S-Rank: At this rank, one’s ability to be in a team is at its pinnacle, being able to literally bring out other’s abilities (physical, mental, and quirk based) and cause them to be better than what they were to be alone. Those at this rank are able to simply be outside and arise some sort of reaction. They are celebrities and any action that’s done affects their public status either negatively or positively. Usually those at this rank are not only Pro Hero or are a notorious villain, but they usually rank amongst the top ten in their craft due to their overwhelming ability to garnish attention. They have the ability to lead the masses and sway opinion without much effort.


Quirk Name: What is the name of your character’s Quirk?
Quirk Type: Emitter / Transformation / Mutant / Accumulation
Quirk Ability: What does the Quirk do?
Quirk Limitations/Caveats: What are the conditions or setbacks of the character using their Quirk?


Costume: What is the outfit the character wears while out in the field?
Equipment: Heroes and Villains tend to have support items. What does your character have?
Inventions: Has your character created something? Maybe a tool, a program, or maybe even a weapon.


Likes: What interests your character?
Dislikes: What do they dislike?
Hobbies: What do they do in their free time?
Favorite Foods: What do they enjoy eating?

Backstory/Biography: The origin story of your character.


Character Appearance: What do they look like?
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