

Vector Hero: Rush
Staff member


“I’ll never stop moving forward.”

Rush (匆忙, Cōngmáng) | Vector Hero (矢量英雄, Shǐliàng Yīngxióng) | Black Flash (黑色闪光, Hēisè Shǎnguāng) | Speed Angel (速度天使, Sùdù Tiānshǐ)
Comet (彗星, Huìxīng) | Hummingbird (蜂鸟, Fēngniǎo) | Arrow (箭, Jiàn)

A hero whose name holds its place as a beacon of hope for the people and a moniker of fear for evil-doers. With her remarkable speed, she is on sight within moments, unimpeded by that which gets in her way. If someone dares to contest her at a range, they find no safety in that distance. For as soon as she has her sights set, her stride will bring with it a decisive blow. Rush is a name that is known for swift and decisive results. A name that is known in not just the United States, but in China and Japan as well.

Name: Jiā Lì Fāng (佳丽方)
American Name: Jade
Epithet: Rush the Vector Hero
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Chinese

Height: 177 cm (5’10”)
Weight: 79kg (176 lbs.)
Blood Type: O-Negative

Neutral Theme: Living Hell - Bella Poarch
Combat Theme: Experiment on Me - Halsey
Alternate Theme: Playground - Bea Miller


“Don’t worry. I’ve got you! You’re safe with me.”

Personality: Jiā Lì grew up being raised by parents who were villains in mainland China. Their way of living had some shape in her life of course, but there was a pivotal point that reshaped the path she would walk. In the field and in private she wears different masks. While in active duty she is rather radiant, hopeful, and energetic. She instills a sense of calm and comfort in those she serves to protect, while beaming with confidence every step she takes. Even in a grim situation, that determination does not falter.

In private, she is a bit more reclusive in nature, opting to spend a lot more time on her own and being a bit quieter when in the company of others. Jade spends a lot of her off-time on the beach or in her penthouse, rarely does she venture out into the city more when off duty.

Combatively she is well equipped to be able to deal as minimal damage as possible but just as capable of wreaking havoc. Against villains that have stepped beyond the boundary of petty crimes and have likely brought harm to others, she has been witnessed on a few accounts going a bit overboard with subduing her targets. The level of crime often comes with an appropriate level of ass-kicking from the speedster hero. And with the nature of her quirk, that is not a hard feat to deal out that punishment in full.

Notable Features: The most notable feature that stands out on Jade is a set of small horns from her head. She otherwise looks rather normal but that is a factor of mutation carried down from her parents. While actively using her quirk to its full extent her eyes illuminate as well. In the rarest cases, overextending her power can result in her appearance becoming a bit more
monstrous, but this has yet to be publicly witnessed.

Relatives: Ushi Fāng (Father - Deceased) & Xiu Mei Fāng (Mother - Imprisoned)

Personal Relationships: (TBD)


“To be a true hero you must be willing to go the extra distance."

Alignment: Hero
Affiliation: Hero Public Safety Commission / Freerunners
Title: Number 11 Hero
Role/Position: Pro-Hero
Partner(s): Goro Takeguchi (Gate)
Previous Partner(s): Star and Stripe (One-Time) and Nekomata

Base of Operations: Rush’s Agency (Nicknamed “Freerunners”) / N.A. Campus (Occasionally)

The Freerunners serve as a household name of rescue heroes. All approved members are required to have a quirk that can work both in combative and rescue situations. If the quirk can’t be used on a civilian and a villain, then it isn’t worthwhile to this particular group. That is to say, at least for those that function in the field. There are auxiliary agents that simply support from homebased. All prospective and active agents enlisted on their own request since Rush does not do any outward recruitment. The only individual that was recruited by her hand is that of her right hand, Goro Takeguchi.

They deploy specifically with the intent to either just outwardly rescue civilians or to mitigate damages that subsequently lead to those rescues. Members of the Freerunners are trained further by the priority system imposed by their pro-hero leader, as well as in how to work comfortably together. This makes each member also familiar with their coworkers’ quirks. Oddly enough that mentality is something that Rush herself often goes against since she prefers to work on her own. The key is however, that she can and will operate with others should it be needed.


“Yield or I’ll personally make sure you can’t continue.”

Power: S-Rank
A collective trait of raw power, Rush is capable of amazing feats of raw speed, power, and tactical intellect. Without active usage of her Quirk her body has been tempered through rigorous training to bring her into the A-Tier. Her strike can drive someone into a sturdy wall, cracking the very surface of it with ease. Though through the use of her quirk, Catch Me If You Can, she can further her power level exponentially. By accelerating herself with her ability, she can build up a force that can be utilized upon impact with something or someone. This amplified strength is capable of easily propelling someone whole city blocks with astounding speed. Although it is unlikely for her to use this level of destructive power due to it coming with lethality to anyone unable to take that hit, it is something in her quiver. Her durability is also something to note, having not only built resistances through years of stress training but also by the very nature of her Quirk. The mitigation of external forces during acceleration makes her a hard mark to subdue. the typical boundaries of her vigor is often quite shocking when witnessed by those unfamiliar with her feats, but once her Quirk comes into the mix...

“You… know who I am, right?”

Speed: S-Rank
You know her name is Rush, right? At the very core of her capabilities is the presence of speed. The use of her unique quirk gives her the ability to have near limitless acceleration so long as she continues to scale her speed with her vector plates. Though higher levels come with substantial strain on her body, at lower yet still remarkable speeds, she can outpace almost anyone out in the streets of New Kyoto. No. Maybe California. Or maybe even the entirety of the country as a whole. Plate after plate amounting more and more speed, the only thing that contains this woman is her own drive. Where she strives to be the best hero she can, she does not aspire to be the hero of the nation she resides in, but instead just the bounds of immediate proximity. Well, that and maybe a little field trip here and there. Whether it is a task at close range or one of great distance, her stride will dazzle those around without fail. From a simple reposition to an absolute mad sprint that leaves her but a blur, Rush will prevail.

“Even with your numerical advantage. You are still outclassed.”

Technique: S-Rank
With great power comes great responsibility. Ya-da, ya-da, ya-da. To hone the power of Catch Me If You Can and use it with precision, Rush had to get her actions down to her subconscious. Both the utilization of her quirk and also her own actions are down to reflexes. It goes without saying that she can think as fast as her quirk can move her, allowing her to keep up with it as if there was no difference. Whether it comes down to her martial-arts prowess or the execution of her power, she can do so with dazzling results. The slightest pivot of a heel, a maneuver through the smallest gap, or a split second save can and will be actions within the grasp of Rush.

A key to Catch Me If You Can is the fact that it isn’t just something to use on herself, but anything around her. Anything that treads upon her vector plates can also become blessed or plagued by her ability. A lot of trial and error went into figuring out exactly what is the confines of this ability and the consequences that come from its use. Let's just say, she's taken a few flying objects to the head a few times trying to hone in her power. Her vector plates have through those countless hours become an extension of her own body, making her capable of manipulating the pathing of other things with them with as much accuracy if done by her own hand. Jade has been seen doing even delicate movements with her Quirk such as sliding a dish of food across a table with great speed but halting it within her grasp, never spilling even a crumb of it. Whether it be something micro or macro, she knows the limits and the dangers of her ability, and is ready to weigh those options at a moment's notice.

“Alright. Listen up! This is what we’re gonna do.”

Intelligence: A-Rank
Ever since her youth, Rush has been a rather intelligent individual. She never really missed a beat with her grades and passed every major test with flying colors. The lessons of conventional school were something that took little effort to conquer and achieving a stellar mark was as simple as tossing a small pebble. Even as she grew and began to make strides in the usage of her Quirk, her mental capabilities made quick work of problems. Accessing, adapting, reflecting, and improving that information that crosses her mind. Her tactical awareness and strategies led both her and her peers to victory on numerous occasions. Where others may have struggled to overcome a boundary, she was the wrecking ball that made a way through it. Her ideas also paved a way for some changes to the way New Kyoto operates when handling crimes, enforcing Quirks, and the tools they use to do so. Her own agency was founded on a lot of new ideas and the backbone of what she believes has passed onto others. There was even a point that the U.S. Government wanted to enlist her as a direct consultant for operations in relation to meta-related crimes and laws. Though she turned them down without even allowing them to speak on the specifics.

The success rate of the Freerunners is near flawless on their rescues due to these practices. Though their prosperity is not just on her back, but those of her amazing teammates and the achievements of others that are outside her circle. There’s always something to learn. And what she may not know, she will soon come to. Anything that becomes a means to an end.

“It would seem that it’s time for us to work together.”

Cooperativeness: B-Rank
Rush is someone who is certainly able to cooperate with others, even can thrive at it when it comes to it. Her ability to coordinate and match her allies’ operating style is something that is rather organic for her. The fluidity of her talents and knowledge allow for cohesion to be second nature. Her personality and tactical awareness give her the power to extent that same sentiment to many others who move to work alongside her. That being said she prefers to operate solo or with those that she has a long standing relationship with. For her, the best way to get the job done is to work with those you know, but that is a luxury.

She is incredibly charismatic and able to keep a bright persona to the public, which gives her a lot of traction with them. She presents as very approachable, likable, and otherwise a true kind hearted soul. Her unstoppable confidence and determination bleeds through and infects others with that same virtue. Even when she should be thrown off, she will maintain her mettle and project it to those who support her, maintaining their collective morale. She strongly believes it is important to walk with confidence, even if it is into the unknown. The moment you let doubt and fear cloud your judgement, is the moment you already lost.


“It’s already over.”

Quirk Name: Catch Me If You Can
Chinese Quirk Name: Fāshè Jiàntóu (发射箭头, Launching Arrow)
Quirk Type: Emitter-Accumulation Hybrid

Quirk Ability: Her quirk is one born of a merger between both of her parent’s. On the side of her father, he was able to make anything accelerate that has been touched by his blood. And her mother had the ability to force things to go in the direction of arrow-like markings that she manifested on surfaces that negate other physical forces acting upon it. In her case she is able to conjure and maintain arrow-like markings upon any surfaces that a part of her is making contact with. These symbols, dubbed vector plates by her, allow her to accelerate anything that treads upon them. Forcefully propelling the subject in the direction the arrow points.

The base speed of each plate is dictated by Rush but does have a capping point on a singular one of about 130 km/hr. That being said, using multiple in succession can increase that speed by applying another instance of that same speed. The speed bestowed upon a subject only lasts a few seconds, however the duration of it can be extended by the target crossing over another one of the vector plates. This resetting of the speed timer can come without furthering the speed, simply aiming to maintain the previous pace.

Forces such as gravity, wind pressure, directly applied kinetic energy, and other similar facets seem to essentially not exist while something is affected by the Quirk. Should an impasse be made that completely impedes the progress of an object in motion, then the force would be distributed upon the barrier and no harm would be brought to the original subject, that is assuming it is still actively being accelerated. This also means that if they were to be propelled along a surface like a ceiling or wall, so long as that momentum from the arrow is maintained gravity will not pull the subject down. This allows for one to defy the physical laws while being accelerated. That being said, the forces that would normally follow an object in motion can still act upon something not directly under the control of a vector plate. This means if something is sped up exponentially and is met with another entity, built up forces can be distributed to that target without negatively affecting the originating subject.

The formation of a vector plate takes a moment to set in before it takes effect, meaning it does not have immediate results. This requires a bit of pre-planning for Rush, especially when reaching higher speeds. Something she has come well accustomed to in her time as a hero. Years of training has also led to her finding out that she can use two opposing arrows to essentially halt an object entirely where it stands. She had also found out that her blood is capable of creating arrows on contact, as it is in turn, an extension of herself.


“Always got to keep a few cards up your sleeve.”

Costume: Rush wears a skin-tight uniform that has been made of a shock absorbing alloy that allows her to be fluid while moving while also mitigating physical trauma. The suit also is completely resistant to electricity and highly resistant to heat. Sections of the suit can be retracted to allow for it to expose Rush’s bearskin, so she can make quick use of her quirk. The retracting and application of the suit components can be done in an instant and appears as if the suit is being broken apart as it shifts back into a fully constructed portion of the suit. This is because it uses a form of nano-tech that is capable of functioning piece by piece rather than simply as a whole.

Rush always has access to her suit and is able to alternate to it in an instant should she need to go from civilian mode to hero.

Equipment: Where her quirk on its own is formidable, she does carry with her a set of combative tech for her hands and feet that are able to distribute high levels of electrical output to that which they make contact with. She keeps these specialized devices on her knuckles and feet. They are directly applied to them, while the unique costume forms and shifts around them. They can charge by kinetic energy, meaning more movement from Rush, the more power they hold. This means they can continue to put out electricity so long as she can freely move to build it up.

Inventions: The W.A.R.D.E.N. System (Warden) | Traversal Wires
The W.A.R.D.E.N. System is a surveillance protocol that was developed by Jade and Risa Kangjeon. The pair worked together with New Kyoto’s Board of Security to develop and implement an A.I. system that is capable of using all observational equipment sanctioned by the city as an automated defense. The system is operated by the security board as well as the H.P.S.C to relay the fastest possible information for hero and police response. The technology at its core simply bestows the city’s protectors with an extra set of eyes and ears that are always watching. The network utilizes an always adapting encryption that makes it near impossible to actually breach into and the hosting point for this system is hidden away and heavily guarded. Warden also works to inform the public of the crisis as quickly as the issues become known, allowing for a rather automated response. In the instance of Risa Kangjeon, she had gone ahead and created a system protocol that specifically oversees the Novus Academy campus.

Traversal Wires take on the form of thickly woven cables which are propelled from a device to grapple and maneuver environments. Most of which are fashioned into gauntlets or boots and used by the Freerunners for optimized mobility. Even heroes who do not have a quirk that focuses around agility can become accustomed to this tech and use it to bolster their speed or traverse urban locations with ease. These are incredibly powerful grappling systems that can of course do as previously mentioned, but can also be used for other tasks. These may include grappling targets, cutting off paths, or even holding two points together. The sophisticated system is entirely capable of supporting the weight of several people before its retraction system would begin to struggle.


“The ocean has always been something that brings me peace.”

➩ Jade is someone who finds peace in the natural ebb and flow that nature provides. Ironic isn't it? For someone who chooses to live in a concrete jungle. Though that escape from the noise makes it ever the more sweeter. Lounging out along a patch of grass, soaking in the amber rays. Or maybe drifting along the surface of a body of water. No matter what negativity looms, a brief and elegant dance with nature can ground her.

➩ There always begs the question if parents truly leave a mark on their children. Is it possible to completely escape the nature bound in blood and nurturing? As a daughter of two high ranking villains in China, she had a lawless nature ponded into her over her childhood. That the systems of the world are corrupt, that the way the world treats the strong is misguided, that if one has the power to take something then they should. This opinions were not presented forcefully but instead organically. It became something of a day to day, the norm. Not displayed with aggression or excessive malice, but with a calm tone. Just as a parent may teach their kid to be polite, they did the same with their views. It wasn't until her exposure with her own peers that she learned that mentality wasn't the norm. And years of deprogramming led her down the path of righteousness. To the public her identity isn't really known, especially not in America, but the few souls that do know may very well question if she could fall over the edge into her parent's habits.

➩ Jade is an absolute foodie. The prospect of experiencing new foods and finding new ways to mix flavors is exhilarating for her. There is not one type of meal that she gravitates to, she loves them all. She does have an habit of consuming the many fried foods of the country she resides. And yet she keeps in great shape. She can thank that on her insane metabolism.

➩ Rush is rather proficient with firearms and small bladed weapons, though she does not favor their usage. She would not condone a hero who uses them, so long as they use them with proper moderation and proficiency, though overall she strays from their use.

➩ A talent unknown to most is that Jade is an incredible singer. In the best and worst times of her life, she had found comfort in singing. Music is key to her own personal therapy. No matter what she was dealing with there was some song that she could resonate with. And should there somehow not be one that exists, she would sure as hell make one.

➩ Jiā Lì is a polyglot who is fluent in English, Chinese (Mandarin, Yue, and Wu dialects), Japanese, Spanish, and French. She had actually become fluent in most of these during her childhood, being a native speaker of English and her Chinese dialects. And then learning Japanese through her mother who had goals of moving their family to Japan for a fresh and... lucrative start. She later picked up Spanish from her new life (at the time) in California and French from a romantic interest during her time as a student at H.A.

“I really had to earn this smile.”

Backstory coming soon to theatres near you...

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