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Name: Kaisa Furcht
Epithet: Cthylla
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White - German/Finnish American

Height: 5’10
Weight: 145 lbs
Blood Type: B+

Neutral Theme: How Villains are Made - Madalen Duke
Combat Theme: Castle of Glass - Linkin Park cover by Halocene
Alternate Theme: Middle of the Night - Rain Paris


Personality:Reserved is a word that has never been used to describe Kaisa. While the usual female member of Order of the Dreaming would be raised to be seen and not heard, being the daughter of the Lamb and Wolf came with many perks, one of which being that she was allowed to form her own being rather than being controlled. Kaisa was free to blossom into her true self. Though relatively soft spoken, she naturally exudes charisma that made her ascension to profit a smooth one. Though most believe her being single is a stipulation of her being the profit, the truth of the matter is that she’s very shy around those she finds attractive.

Notable Features: From a distance, Kaisa’s eyes appear fully black, but upon closer inspection one will notice the swirling blues and stars suspended in the void of her eyes. Once close enough to notice her eyes, one might also notice her natural blush takes on a more peachy tone and white star-like freckles adorn her cheeks and nose.

Relatives: Jonas Furcht - Twin Brother (younger), Granville Underdown - Nephew
Personal Relationships: Elk


Alignment: Villain
Affiliation: Independent
Title: The Dreaming
Role/Position: Cult Leader
Base of Operations: Cathedral of Carcosa


Power: A Rank

Those who gaze upon the dreaming prophetess of the Order of the Dreaming innately believe her to be a gentle, fragile thing. Her slender frame is the perfect deception. Through years of conditioning at the hands of her father, Kaisa’s body was broken, crushed beneath his raw power, and forged anew, stronger, more durable. Determined to spare her twin from the same pain, she’d train into the early hours of the day. Any average person would have ceased such rigorous training once they’d achieved the power to defeat their enemy, but she continued on, up until her last day at Novus Academy, when she’d finally had enough and unleashed her rage upon her father, ending his hold on their family for the final time with one swift punch to the chest.

Within Kaisa, slumbers the power to shatter bones with a single punch and send her victim flying with enough force to demolish whatever they come in contact with, and that’s without even activating her quirk. Once her quirk is utilized, her strength combined with the strength of her eldritch appendages is unfathomable, so much so that her twin brother believes that had she been allowed to finish her schooling at Novus Academy, she would easily rank amongst the strongest beings. On many occasions, the marble floors of the cathedral required reconstruction, due to her shattering them from the force of the impact of her throwing not only her brothers, but also victims against it.

Due to her role as the prophetess of the Order, her strength remains unknown to most Pro-Heroes and villains. Those that are aware of the power she harbors within would do their best to not get on her bad side.


Speed: B Rank

Kaisa was never one to be called a speedster. Though she was always slightly faster than most of her classmates, she was only ever that. There were always the gifted few that could easily outpace her, her own twin being one of them. She was, however, vastly superior at scaling objects. Though that only came about by her scaling the trees around the Cathedral to escape her father’s rampages. Kaisa never deemed it necessary to train her speed more than it already had been due in part to the fact that any battle’s she would face would be within the walls of the Cathedral which she knows like the back of her hand. She easily outpaces anyone trying to escape their fate once they’ve stepped over the threshold.


Technique: B Rank

As a child, Kaisa watched while the children around her struggled to control their quirks. Some even hurt those around them and themselves in the process, but Never One had always just been an extension of Kaisa. She’d never had to train to get it to do what she wanted. It all came naturally. Despite its name, they were, in fact, one.

While most beings can train to greatly lessen the drawbacks on their quirks, or utilize fancy little support items, Kaisa could only ever lessen the drawbacks of Never One so much. In her years at Novus Academy, she’d only ever managed to cut the drawbacks in half. That was fine with her. She didn’t mind what her body had to go through if she over exerted herself. Kaisa only ever utilizes Never One in the comfort of her cathedral after all.


Intelligence: B Rank

Wise beyond her years. Words that were often used in her youth by members of the Order. However, Kaisa never believed them. Few of the congregants even knew the difference between wisdom and intelligence. Wisdom came from age and experiences, neither of which she had much of at that time. What she did have though was a thorough education in manipulation, a vast library that housed all sorts of books, and all the time in the waking hours to read to her heart's content. She often gravitated toward the heavy encyclopedias about astronomy and the leather bound anthologies of mythos. She could easily spout off anything she’d read in those books, even if it’d been years since she last read it.

When she wasn’t nose deep in a book, she was locked in conversation, pulling the strings and guiding it this way and that without the other person even noticing. She often slipped subtle demands into the conversations before convincing the person in question that what she’d wanted them to do had in fact been their idea the whole time. She’d once convinced a congregant to offer her own daughter up as the next month’s sacrifice all because the girl had once stepped on the hem of her dress.


Cooperativeness: S Rank

Kaisa had been raised to believe everyone possesses a beauty about them, but hers was not a physical trait. Her beauty was an influence you fell under, like a stiff drink, infusing you with bravery and wit and even a darkness that you never knew existed inside of yourself until she coaxed it out. Her mother had called it charisma, a blessed curse that all the prophets in their family were born with. But charisma only wins people’s attention. Once you have their attention, you have to be able to keep it, and keep it, she did.

She had a gentle way of speaking, a lyrical lilt to her voice that made it hard for anyone to ignore her. With the faintest smile she could make the most foul beliefs sound divine. This made her ascension to prophetess seamless. It took only mere seconds of her speaking before the congregation, her father’s bloody corpse at her feet to get them to see things her way. To convince them that she was the true prophet and her father had abused his power over the church.

In the academy she commanded her classmates with gentle encouragement. She knew just the things to say to draw out one’s inner strengths and hidden thoughts. Though she doesn’t lead a team now, she uses abilities to lead her congregation, and on the rare occasion that she steps foot outside of the cathedral, everyone takes notice. Eyes are instantly drawn to her. While the horrible truth of the Order isn’t known by many, Kaisa gladly weaponises her notoriety to influence politicians and others in power to do her bidding as well.


Quirk Name: Never One
Quirk Type: Transformation
Quirk Ability: Eldritch Physiology
Once awoken from her slumber, Kaisa emits a dark fog, from her one and only support item, that appears to be undulating and shifting. As the fog spreads out around her, intended to confuse her victims, instill fear, and mask her quirk, that odd undulating movement within the darkness of the fog. Kaisa possesses the ability to form as many tentacles as she pleases from any place on her body that can stretch and shrink to any size and possess superhuman strength themselves. Her eldritch appendages, from a distance appear to be more octopus in nature, but upon closer inspection, the hundreds of suckers are lined with razor sharp teeth that are meant to shred any flesh being they grab a hold of and dig into any solid object, allowing Kaisa to scale the object.

Quirk Limitations/Caveats: Never One draws so much energy from her body that the more tentacles Kaisa forms, the longer she must slumber to recuperate afterwards. Usually she has enough time after deactivating Never One to retreat to her sleeping chambers within the cathedral to protect her slumbering body, but should she go all out and form too many, she runs the risk of passing out mere moments after sealing Never One away. Her sleep can last anywhere from 30 minutes to a whole month.



Equipment: Kaisa possesses two anklets that emit a dark fog to mask her true quirk. The boots she wears in her everyday street clothes also possess these emitters in the soles.


Likes: Metal, the stars, dreams
Dislikes: The Sun
Hobbies: Stargazing, painting, and reading
Favorite Foods: Lo Mein


Backstory/Biography: The origin story of your character.

“Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.” ― Alice Sebold, The Lovely Bones

Children are rarely born evil. Kaisa certainly wasn’t. She wanted nothing more in life than to protect those she cared about from those who would harm them. But some things just aren’t meant to be. The exalted first born of the prophet of the Order of the Dreaming, “Wolf” and his wife “Lamb”. Unlucky. If only Jonas had been born first. Things could have been so much different.

The first years of their lives within the cold hallways of the Cathedral of Carcosa were blissful. They ran. They played. They fell down, scraped their knees, and cried. They weaved in and out of the crowded pews while their father preached from his pulpit. Every night, the sun-drenched son would climb into the moon-kissed daughter’s bed and listen to her grand stories about beings sleeping among the stars until he dozed off. Once he was happily snoring away, Kaisa would watch him. Sleep always seemed to elude her when Selene drifted across the inky sky. Kaisa envied how easily Jonas drifted into the realm of dreams.

The twins stayed this way for a few years, until their quirks manifested, and their father took sadistic glee in dragging Kaisa out to the sea and “training” her until her body bled and her soul shriveled inside of herself. He did this until she could withstand any “training” he threw her way. Each night, Kaisa slipped from her bed, where Jonas slumbered peacefully, and made her way out to the seaside where she trained with a young man from the congregation, learning to fight.

When the time came for students to test to join Novus Academy’s hero program, Kaisa and Jonas didn’t even have to test. They’d both been invited. The brilliant son and natural-born leader daughter. They dominated their courses. Everyday after school, Kaisa and Jonas would regale their friend Elk with stories of what they’d learned and done in school that day. But like they so rarely do, the peaceful days didn’t last.

Halfway through their third year, “Wolf” learned of Kaisa’s blooming relationship with Elk and dragged her by her hair into the chapel of the cathedral. The moonlight bled through the stained-glass windows, washing the whole scene in shades of purples, blues, and greens. Jonas rushed down the stairs, pleading with their father to stop, but as “Wolf” raised his hand to strike Jonas, Kaisa pulled free and punched him in the chest. Shock plastered across his face before blood sputtered from his mouth. Her eyes widened. She’d felt the crunch of his ribcage beneath her fist, but that alone wouldn’t kill him right!?

He collapsed.

His shattered ribs had pierced his heart and lungs.

Jonas fled into the night.

Kaisa’s world shattered around her.

The monster of her story was dead. She could continue her path to save others right? A sharp laugh escaped her throat and she stood there until morning. When the congregation saw the scene at her feet, she merely smiled. It took only seconds for her to convince them that her hand had been forced. The old ones had told her she was the one true prophetess of the dreaming ones.

It was hours before Jonas returned, the principal in tow. She was expelled from Novus Academy. Her mother left the cathedral the next day, taking Jonas and their older half-brother with her.

After the death of their mother, and the birth of their older brother’s son, Granville, the brothers finally returned to the Cathedral. Kaisa was beloved by her people. While the brothers didn’t agree with the goings on of the congregation, they welcomed their sister back with open arms. But the bond between twins would never be the same again.

This is how villains are made…


Character Appearance:
