

Staff member
Höhenheim.pngThe Floating Fortress of Höhenheim, constructed by the well-funded and secretive organization known as the Patriot Liberation Front (PLF), stands as a testament to their vast resources and determination. The fortress, hidden high in the sky, is a closely guarded secret known only to the upper echelons of the PLF and a select few entrusted with its operation and security. Built with advanced technology, Höhenheim possesses the ability to remain virtually undetectable by conventional means. It is equipped with sophisticated equipment that allows it to camouflage its presence by blending seamlessly into the sky, as well as distorting satellite imagery, making it nearly impossible to locate. The individuals embedded within the fortress work diligently to prevent any detection or interference from external parties, ensuring the PLF's operations and plans remain hidden.

Höhenheim's existence serves as a clandestine stronghold for the PLF, enabling them to operate without the knowledge of the B.H.A, rival syndicates, and vigilante groups. This secrecy allows the PLF to continue pulling strings behind the scenes, maneuvering their pieces on the grand chessboard of power without disturbance. The fortress serves as a strategic asset, ready to unleash its true power when the time is right.

Those fortunate enough to live within the confines of Höhenheim experience a life of luxury and safety. All their needs and desires are catered to, with every amenity provided free of charge. The fortress is stocked with an abundance of supplies, ensuring its inhabitants could sustain themselves for years without external support. The residents of Höhenheim enjoy an opulent lifestyle, shielded from the troubles of the outside world, as they work towards the PLF's goals and further their secretive agenda.

The true extent of Höhenheim's capabilities remains shrouded in mystery, but its potential for devastation is both formidable and terrifying. If ever discovered and unleashed, the fortress has the capacity to level cities in an instant, serving as a potent and fearsome threat to any opposition. Its hidden presence in the sky serves as a constant reminder of the power and reach of the PLF, striking fear into the hearts of those who become aware of its existence.​


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With news of Star and Stripe’s death spreading across the United States many had begun to lose their hope. Heroes, and citizens alike were shocked, some were in denial, how could one person take down America’s No.1 Hero? It wasn’t possible to imagine such a feat, who was this man? Others wept as the news was spreading across the states, yet there were many that rejoiced in this news of this death. These celebrations would be done in secret. For this one particular one was done so in style, as people came to the floating fortress of Höhenheim, all of whom were dressed in lavish attire only obtainable by the hall that they had been celebrating in been the Patriot Liberation Armies finest, as the ballroom black marble floor had been polished to perfection, each window reached high to the ceiling with each one having red velvet curtins with gold silk trim bottoms, and gold silk ropes. A red continuous filament nylon carpet had been laid across the floor, leading up a the marble stair case; The way the Ballroom had been constructed was enough to house over a thousand people and a stage for a orchestra to play. As such on this night an Orchestra had been brought into play.

Listen while you read

Every single person in the ballroom wore masks of different verity, all of which were decorated with exotic items, some such as rare minx fur, diamonds, ivory, and many more items that the America has deemed illegal. This gathering of people were CEO’s, politicians, administrators, and those who were born into wealthy families, Heroes who hold a high ranking within the P.L.F, lieutenants, and those who were deemed important enough to attend such a gathering. Everyone who stood here held a great importance to the P.L.F

A gathering such as this would be only be a fever dream for the B.H.A so many high value targets ready to be arrested in one fell swoop but out of reach and unknow to the Bureau the Floating Fortress of Höhenheim illuded them. Rightfully so, as they learned of merger between the M.L.A and the League of Villains to form their P.L.F; a move that angered some here, if only because they saw the League of Villains as a detriment to the cause, as the past shown that the League was young and inexperienced, as such their claim to infamy was to try and kill All Might with brute force, thus making them the number one target in Japan, Their team up with A Yakuza group brought it to shambles before a betrayal, and now the PLF in Japan fell, as such the American counter part learned a valuable lesson. Do. Not. Team up, only use the others to push your goals.

A myriad of voices could be heard talking amongst one another, each one talking about various personal goals, what plans they have enacted or plots they would bring to their fellow rivals within their P.L.F, A game of some sorts, a game that The Conductor despised, but knew that it was a necessary game to keep them inline, keep them occupied with one another, all so that they could use them for their resources and wealth. The wore an outfit similar to the other guests with one exception, she had a golden lion masked adorned in diamonds, where she stood only with one other.

A woman could be seen covered from head to two in a black feathered dress with the bottom feather’s tips dyed purple accent, long velvet gloves, every part of her attire was to cover up her entire body, her face covered in a black Kitsune mask, the markings underneath the eyes purple lines mimicking the fox whiskers glowed and would travel across the lines every few seconds, her eyes were covered by a black mesh to conceal her eyes. Even amongst the elite here no one knew who she was, an enigma that gain audience with the Conductor

“Its always a pleasure seeing you Black Fox,”

“Like wise Conductor. You’ll be happy to know that operations are already underway, my team has already laid the foundations for the war.”

The voice that had been speaking had been synthesized, with a mixture of a male and female voice, along with a hint of robotics mixed in. The Conductor hid her excitement, yet she had a slight twitch in her hand, She had to seize this moment.

“Excellent, you’ll also be happy to know that your squad has been chosen to acquire someone from H.P.S.C and the B.H.A, we received Intel that someone within the H.P.S.C ranks has brought some valuable information about what’s going on in Japan and I would love to have it here. From what I intel suggest they’re held at Hotel Horikoshi, penthouse sweat, awaiting transportation.”

“Yes Ma’am I’ll have someone on it right away. ”

The woman bowed, before turning around and exiting the ball room, her hand moving towards her ear, before two more members from the ball room turned around to walk with her, where both wore a Kabuki mask, one Red and one white.

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Staff member


Listen While You Read


A jet black helicopter sat idling on the helipad of an ominous floating fortress. A young woman peered out the window beside her. The swirling expanse of space that made up her eyes seemed unwavering but her fingers gripped a golden mask in her lap. The nameless man seated beside her gently cleared his throat, drawing her attention to him. It was then that she’d noticed her partner had already left the helicopter and walked inside the fortress.

”You will do great, my lady.”

She knew she would be fine in there. Making people adore her was a key part of her job, but she couldn’t help but wonder how her twin brother was holding up. She’d seen him on the television, mourning Star and Stripe’s death with the other professional heroes. How would he react if he knew she was here with hundreds of villains to celebrate her passing? Would he ever be able to look at her again? Her inky fingertips traced the delicate details of the mask. This mask should have belonged to him. He was the incarnation of all things good that the lamb represented. But here she was with it instead. She’d corrupted it, welded antlers to it, portraying her devotion to someone dear to her.

As her door opened, she held her right hand out to the grunt helping her out of the car while she fastened the mask with her left hand. A shiver ran down her spine as the cool night breeze embraced her and she heard a whisper in the wind. ”Kaisa. Don’t” Turning to stare into the inky darkness behind her, her face held a resolute expression. A sign of finality. This would be how she would become who her father always dreamed she would be. Two sparks of golden light in the distance caught her attention as she turned away and strode across the platform, her gown gripped tight in her fingers so she wouldn’t trip


The anguish in his voice shattered her heart. After all these years he’d been yearning for her return to the light just as much as she’d craved for him to step foot in the Cathedral once more. It was too little too late now. A final pained cry split the air, and Kaisa turned to look once more at her brother in time for a golden arrow of light to just barely miss grazing her cheek. A few party goers screamed as the arrow pierced the wall, but she ignored them. The shattered pieces of her eldritch heart sunk lower into oblivion as the door closed between them and locked.


Stepping into the ballroom, many eyes turned to take her opulence. Kaisa started to feel a touch uncomfortable in her floor length green velvet gown and golden mask. As she stood at the entrance to the room a rather boisterous man approached her. He reeked of booze and sweat. ”How kind of the Lamb herself to grace us with her presence!” Kaisa plastered a forced smile on her face as he spoke loud enough for most of the room to hear him. As he leaned closer to her, she couldn’t help but gag at the stench of his breath and the food still stuck in his teeth. ”Might I be blessed with a dance, young Lamb?” He held his grubby little hand out to her, awaiting her response.

Though repulsed, Kaisa smiled sweetly at the man. ”My apologies, but my attention has already been requested by another, and I simply must attend to my flock first.” Her melodic voice seemed to fill the space around them for the briefest of moments. She dipped into the slightest curtsy before calmly striding away from the man.

Gazing around the sea of masks, Kaisa started to feel more alone than ever. However, the moment she heard the Conductor address a mysterious figure as Black Fox, her heart beat faster. She hurried in Black Fox’s direction, her heels clicking on the floor. Her arm slipped around Black Fox’s as she dropped her voice to a whisper. ”Where are you going, Rakas? You’re not leaving me alone with these people are you? That sika won’t stop staring at me.” Glancing over her shoulder, she shuddered as the man from earlier grinned at her, undressing her with his eyes.
