Kid Maximum


New member

"Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary"

"Talent multiplied by effort equals skill and skill multiplied by effort equals achievement"​


Name: Damon Borgia (formerly Damon Calderwood)

Epithet: The Enduring Hero: Kid Maximum

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: African American, French, & Native American (Cherokee)

Height: 6'1

Weight: 220Ibs

Blood Type: O-

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Due to the consistent emotional and physical neglect suffered at the hands of his birth family; Damon naturally can appear distant and to himself for the most part. Opting often to participate in settings where either he can either be on his own or in a small tight knit group he feels he can trust. Despite this however, Damon is not a cold hearted person by any means as he appears unconsciously oriented towards silent and small kindnesses without expecting anything in return. Damon is also extremely diligent with a diet that falls in classification between a Japanese & Mediterranean diet in nature. He is also equally stringent in his training devoting two hours to study, two hours to physical training, and two hours to Quirk training everyday even prior to his enrollment in Novus Academy. When in his free time Damon can be found holed up in his room munching away at healthy snacks whilst he either reads about various Heroes and their completed cases or occupies himself with puzzles. When in public and around people he doesn't know Damon is a bit quiet and apprehensive, but when someone is in desperate need of help he is always the first to charge into a situation without hesitation. He is also the most fiercely protective of his adopted sister Aurora, his comrades, and small children. As a Hero Damon is solely focused on the mission at hand and spares nothing to make sure that any task can be resolved with the greatest possible efficiency. Yet his most standout quality in this regard is his tendency to constantly put his body on the line for as long as needed in any situation thus earning his Epithet of The Enduring Hero since he is always forcing himself to perform beyond a threshold where many would've long since quit.

Notable Features

Damon has olive toned skin with black hair and deep brown eyes forever dawning a fiercely aloof expression. He sports a tremendously lean and ripped build forged through years of intense training for complete optimal functionality, and for those who bump into him by chance often express that they feel as though they've brushed against a human shaped slab of concrete. Damon also sports four two inch long canine teeth with a broad chest and abnormally long arms with an incredible wingspan of 2.3 meters! This is possibly indicative of a passed down morphology from a Mutant type Quirk user much earlier in his biological family lineage.


Jacob Calderwood (Biological Father: status unknown)

Juliana Calderwood (Biological Mother: status unknown)

Renaldo Borgia (Adopted Father)

Maria Borgia (Adopted Mother)

Aurora Borgia (Adopted Sister)

Personal Relationships

Aurora Borgia: Damon is very tightly bonded to his adopted sister as she was the very first person he was ever able to confide in some months after arriving at the Borgia household. She was able to slowly break down his walls through subtle acts of kindness hence why Damon now believes small gestures make the biggest difference. With this mentality in mind he wishes to follow Aurora and become a Hero of both her and their adoptive parents' ideal someday.

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Alignment: Student | Hero

Affiliation: Novus Academy

Role: Hero In Training

Base Of Operations: Agency | Novus Academy Campus

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Power: S-Rank

The sheer essence of Damon's raw power is due in great part to the fact that he is someone who is able to call upon the full unrestrained capabilities of his whole body at will. Not only this but because of the fact that he possesses a physical empowerment type Quirk inherently tied to function at the upper most limit of his physical potential he is able to raise the ceiling of his strength with his Quirk by increasing his baseline strength without it as his Quirk will naturally release all limitations holding him back after reaching a new plateau. Prior to his being abandoned due the Calderwood's greed Damon's workout routine would include 2000 sit-ups, 500-800 dips, 500 press-ups, 500 shrugs with a 78kg Thomas Inch barbell, and 1000 floor towel neck curls followed by weight training focused on the big seven compound lifts including 10 sets of 12 reps of DeadLifts, Clean & Press, Squats, Chin Ups, The Walking Lunge, Push Ups, and Bench Press. He would accomplish this first without his Quirk and then be made to do it all over again using his Quirk in the same day before ending his day with a 20 mile run while wearing weighted clothing. He would do this same routine every single day for fourteen years. As a result Damon has built an unbelievably powerful and durable body capable of handling anything one could throw at it. Even without Peak Maximum Damon is so physically strong he can bend bars of steel or even break limbs simply by gripping them hard enough. And when Peak Maximum is active he is more than capable of leveling buildings without much visible effort. A feat that became increasingly frequent throughout his Hero course studies particularly in intense combat scenarios.

Speed: S-Rank

Yet again due to the unique properties of his Quirk releasing all physical limitations combined with Damon's uniquely long arms allowing him the capacity for efficient quadrupedal running he is physically capable of achieving speeds of up to 50mph! However this is not the most impressive stat in the case of his overall speed. That would unanimously be attributed to the maximized sensory output of Peak Maximum allowing Damon to perceive and react consciously at around 0.08 seconds. The fastest possible unconscious reaction time for a normal human being who if trained and without the use of a speed based quirk could only achieve a conscious reaction time of 0.15 seconds comparatively. Meaning that with his Quirk active Damon can perceive and react to danger at nearly double the speed of anyone around him (His own fastest unconscious reaction clocking in at an astounding 0.04 seconds). This impressive fact on top of his emphasis on combat training during his time at Novus Academy has granted Damon the ability to be able to better read the movement of his opponents, predict their attacks, and counter them before they could even begin to process the pain of their bones being crushed in that same instant. And while in Last Stand Mode can accelerate so explosively from a standing position to cross the boundary of a 100 meter distance with a single lunge in the blink of an eye.

Technique: B-Rank

Naturally Peak Maximum due to its function can be quite dangerous at times to Damon. Being unable to restrain oneself means that Damon's chances at suffering considerable damage to himself are extremely high. As such he has had to work around this dilemma by being very calculated in terms of how he moves, when he moves, and being aware of his general body position at any given time. Following the old adage of form follows function and therefore Damon is mindful of making sure to never be made to make any unnatural movements if possible. So every step he takes must literally serve the purpose of completing a task as fast as humanly possible to leave minimal chance of potential injury. Even to this day he is constantly researching new methods to better improve the functional use of human body mechanics to better utilize Peak Maximum in a more efficient manner.

Intelligence: B-Rank

Being the observant bookworm that he always has been along with being a sibling to an even more observant bookworm in his sister Aurora meant that the duo spent quite a bit of time together during their time in Novus Academy bouncing ideas off of one another. Countless hours of Quirk Theory and application in the field, studying the methods of Pro Heroes most similar to themselves and adopting their strategies, and generally following the thought process of adopting what works for them and discarding what doesn't. Damon in particular has always possessed a near robotic level of logic and a highly analytical mind and has a habit of breaking down any situation around him to even the most minute of details. And with Peak Maximum releasing the limiters of his brain as well as his body he is able to process new information at nearly twice the speed it takes one to form a coherent thought regarding the same stimuli along with a sense of hyper awareness as to how any given situation could possibly change when all the data has been accounted for in his mind.

Cooperativeness: B-Rank

Due to his social anxiety caused directly by the neglect of his own parents one would typically assume that this would mean that Damon is more than likely someone who wouldn't wish to do things in a team setting as his personality at its default is a tad stand-offish. And while this might be true to an extent the fact of the matter is that when lives are on the line Damon has always proven that he is willing to cast himself into the proverbial fire as many times as it takes for the sake of his team's success. Wherever the action is, wherever a situation is the most intense, whenever there arises a need to make the impossible possible; then that is exactly where you will find him bearing the brunt of it all as he understands two things to be the ultimate truth of his existence. His power makes him the ideal point man on the front lines and self sacrifice is the highest regarded tenant of a Hero. So he takes to that role without a second thought.

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Quirk Name: Peak Maximum

Quirk Type: Transformation Type

Quirk Ability

Peak Maximum for lack of a better term is simply a Quirk that allows Damon the ability to operate as a being functioning at its highest mental & physiological potential via simultaneously releasing the brain and body from all it's inhibitors and other limiting factors as well as allotting Damon complete dominion over the expression of all of his bodily functions. This in turn allows Damon to possess a wide array of abilities such as enhanced strength, enhanced speed, enhanced reflexes, enhanced senses, enhanced thought processing speed, and even enhanced recovery.

Quirk Caveat

Despite its apparent usefulness Peak Maximum is indeed a double edged sword. Firstly due to the sudden sensory overload inherent to this Quirk there is a momentary lapse in time of about three seconds where Damon's ability to respond to external stimuli is stunted. Secondly, because of the fact both Damon's brain and body are completely free of all their limits and inhibitions it is virtually impossible for Damon to hold himself back when committing to any singular action while Peak Maximum is active. Thus it is extremely easy to cause self sustained injuries, from shattered bones to torn ligaments, severe muscle tears, nerve damage, and even permanent damage to the internal organs if used carelessly. Lastly severe overuse of Peak Maximum can eventually force Damon into a comatose like state from the immense duress caused by the combined mental and physical trauma suffered.

Ultimate Move(s)

Last Stand

Damon's sole trump card. Last Stand is a last resort technique to be used only when there are no other options available and in the most extreme of combat scenarios where several lives are solely in Damon's hands. By utilizing Peak Maximum to overclock his heart it will suddenly begin to pump at an obscenely high rate causing the body to convulse in tandem at a level audible to those within earshot as his skin becomes entirely red. It is at this point the wildly increased cardiovascular output begins to rapidly boost Damon's metabolic rate thus allowing him to drastically increase his already superhuman striking velocity, overall physical acceleration, and bodily torque thus consequently magnifying his damage output several times over. As of now Damon can only maintain this state for sixty seconds before it begins to adversely cause catastrophic damage to his cardiovascular system.

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Costume & Equipment

Damon when doing Hero work as Kid Maximum dawns an all black bulletproof and fire resistant cloak with black military grade kevlar armor underneath. He also sports iron gauntlets upon his fists and a bulletproof white mask with a purple lightning bolt carved onto the right side. Lining his belt pouch hidden under the cloak is a belt containing three flashbacks, three smoke grenades, a set of standard handcuffs, and twin kukri daggers. He also wears matching black iron sole boots.

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Likes & Dislikes: Damon is enamored with nature and animals. He is also an avid reader. He generally dislikes overly noisy people.

Hobbies: Analyzing the feats achieved by great Heroes throughout history

Favorite Food: Sushi of any kind


Born to a long line of Heroes on both sides of his biological family it seemed merely a given what Damon's future entailed. Yet looks could be quite deceiving as fame, fortune, and reputation had long since taken priority in the Calderwood family over true human empathy. In truth Damon was merely the result of a Quirk marriage in an attempt to create the strongest physical empowerment type Quirk possible for the sake of continuing the growth of the Calderwood family's self interests as opposed to anything Damon had actually wanted. So for the longest time all Damon had learned to do was to study, train, eat, and sleep like clockwork. All of his training, education, and diet were especially monitored around the clock as his growth was monitored. Whenever he was unable to complete a task up to his parent's standards he would be beaten and starved before being forced to continue until he completed said task perfectly. As a result Damon had intrinsically associated his own self worth to his ability to be of use to others. A trait he still exhibits to this day. For fourteen years he endured that until finally a big scandal regarding money laundering had destroyed the name of the Calderwoods. And with their whole fortune and assets seized Damon was abandoned by his parents who skipped town and left him to fend for himself on the streets where he was found by the Borgia's during a sting operation actively using his Quirk Peak Maximum to participate in illegal underground fight rings for food. And upon learning about the boy's origins and plight would quickly take him in as a part of their own family. Though for a few Damon never spoke or acknowledged his new adoptive parents or adopted sibling as he was still in a state of mental shock at the fact that he was nothing more to his birth parents than a disposable tool for their personal gain. Yet and still everyday without fail the Borgia couple and their adopted daughter Aurora continued to reach their hand out to Damon who slowly began to come out of his shell bit by bit. He began to carefully observe the actions of his new family around them and became intrigued at the casualty and ease of their everyday interactions. He also began to notice how Aurora would always leave snacks for him, how Maria Borgia would constantly baby him, and how Renaldo would always leave notes of wisdom and encouragement. And he even observed the difficulty the Borgia couple faced doing a dangerous job without any powers yet overcome it through sheer effort. Was this what an actual family felt like? He also came to admire how Aurora in particular was so adamant to become like them as a professional Hero even though her personality could be deemed as usually timid. Something that eventually made him join her at enrolling in the Hero course at the prestigious Novus Academy as he wanted to become like the people who saved him from the hell that was his previous life. As of now he finds himself within his third and final year of the curriculum and is eager to do his part in dedicating himself to protecting innocent people from anything that threatens their peace.



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