Neo Kyoto


Staff member
Kyoto 2.pngNeo Kyoto is a recent establishment in the history of Los Angeles, resulting from a series of extensive negotiations between Japanese billionaires and the City of Los Angeles. After experiencing several city-wide disasters in the western end, the wealthy elite took the opportunity to purchase vast amounts of land, transforming the area into a unique blend of new technology and traditional Japanese influences. The city has flourished, offering a diverse range of goods and services, and creating a strong sense of belonging among both Japanese-born residents and those of Japanese descent.

With a strong emphasis on community and cultural heritage, Neo Kyoto has managed to maintain a relatively low crime rate. However, it is not entirely free from criminal activity. The Yakuza syndicate known as Hyakki Yagyo has established its roots in the city, exerting its influence and occasionally disrupting the peace. Despite efforts to combat their presence, the secretive activities of the Yakuza continue to pose challenges for law enforcement agencies and heros.

Nonetheless, the residents of Neo Kyoto take pride in their city's unique fusion of modernity and tradition. The blend of cutting-edge technology, vibrant cultural festivals, and authentic Japanese cuisine creates a captivating atmosphere that attracts both locals and tourists alike. The city serves as a symbol of resilience and rebirth, where the spirit of Japan thrives in the heart of Los Angeles.​
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It was a wonderful night, and even more so when you’re a member of the Hyakki Yagyo, their way of celebrating tonight was through a rough party, the sound of Trap & Base music could be heard playing through out one of the hidden clubs within city, many of the people gathered here were lower ranking members, grunts if you will, all dancing to the beat that they were listening to, a party thrown by some of the higher ranking members, yet this wasn’t the party in a sense;It was in the backrooms of the club where the true party laid, several lieutenants of the Yakuza sat around, One man had an angered expression, while the others annoyed, and one happy with the cards in his hand.

“Royal flush! Looks like I win again, and thank youuuu for all your monnnnneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!”

The others sighed with disbelief, with each one throwing their cards onto the table. with one slamming his hand hard enough that it knocked all the chips and cards up for a brief moment. All of around the table had turned to look at the man, trying to calm him down.


“Hey calm down Yosuke, No need to throw out accu-”

“NO I WON’T HE’S A CHEATING BASTARD! You know fuck it I’m going out for a smoke”

Much to his anger many had begun to laugh, knowing full well that it would anger him more, yet they could not care as their time was seeing how far they could push him, all of this was rigged to anger the man. All Yosuke could do was grovel under his breath, as he walked outside, pulling out a cigarette and lighter, igniting the tip and inhaled before exhaling eye wandering to look at the night sky, before coming down look down the alleyway what he saw caught off guard or rather who he saw, a woman in her mid-twenties around 5’8, eyes gray, with a mixture of colours along her long hair. Best of all she was scantily dressed, one could guess that she had walked out of the club, He could barely keep his jaw closed as the she approached him.

“Excuse me Mister, you wouldn’t happened to have another cigarette with you?”

She spoke with high pitch, giving off that oh so innocent voice, as she gave a stare that she seemed interested in the man, and from what Yosuke could tell no malice behind it, despite his brutish nature Yosuke had been good at determining who was trying to screw him over, with the ability to seeing through the best of lairs, even with his temper he had moved up the ranks of the Yakuza syndicate, as his quirk allowed him to move the literal earth around, making it easier to transport their illicit goods.

“Uh sure, here you go”

The man reached into his pocket once more, pulling out the small case of cigarettes once more, where in which he slapped the bottom, causing one to pop to hand the woman one, in which she took it and placed in her mouth, before she began to search in her purse.

“Aw… I don’t have my lighter on me… Would you kindly light this for me?”

The woman batted her eyelashes at the man giving that innocent stare once more as he reached for his lighter.


The sound of the lighter opening and igniting in one move could be heard and seen before her eyes as he light her cigarette and she inhaling.

“Thank you! Say mister… You seemed upset tonight can I ask what has you so down?”

“Just some pricks cheating at a game is all. ”

“Well… I’ve been known to bring good luck, how bout you bring me along as your lucky charm? Pretty pleaaseeeeeeee?”

Yosuke was stunned by this, but at this point it seems like he just couldn’t say no; it felt like she had placed him under the charm, was it the booze he had drank earlier? The smell of her perfume? Her face? He wasn’t too sure but nodded and allowed her to walk with him to the back rooms, where he would receive a mix of looks, ranging from confusion to anger, followed up by a myriad of questions from asking who the hell he thought he was bringing this stranger back here?

“All of you shuddup! I’m evening the playing field with this gal She’ll bring me all the luck I need!!!”

The girl only made a peace sign as the rest shook their head in disbelief, there was no changing Yosuke’s mind, and they damn well to push him further. As the night went on the game seemed to turn in Yosuke’s favor, every card seemed to be right, and it baffled the people at the table. Whoever this woman was just brought him natural luck.

“Yahooo! Read and weep boys!, Rrrrooooyyyalllll flusssssshhhhh!”

His hand slammed the cards down on the table revealing the royal flush, and now it was everyone’s turn to look miserable and grumble underneath their breath. Though the woman had laughed with Yosuke. They were defeated humiliated, the woman placed one hand on Yosuke’s neck before leaning up to look like she was about to plant a kiss, All of the people at the table looked down in shame as he won the pot along with the woman.

A strange sound could be heard, the sound of someone gurgling on blood had them lift their heads, lifted to the sight of Yosuke’s throat slit open infront of their eyes, while Yosuke’s facial expression was shocked as he held his throat trying to contain the blood spilling out. Beside him the woman had her arm transformed into long metal blade, along with her entire body encased in metal, while at the same time she had reached into her bag, pulling out her an automatic hand gun, and firing, yet she too would be shot up though each would bounce up and around her after making contact with the metal skin. One dove behind a near by bar, while the others had died from the gun fire. Once the firing stopped the man would peak out only to find the woman had disappeared from sight. Where did she go? How was she so fast? Who in the hell was she? Questions that couldn’t be answered but he knew that she fucked with the wrong guys she was going to pa-


The arm blade stabbed right through the man’s back and through his liver, his life faded before his eyes before the woman dropped him, sliding him off of her bladed arm and throwing the blood off to the side, further painting the walls red with blood. The woman whistled as she reached down to grab the gun of the man, and firing into the walls until it was empty, where she then placed it back into the man’s hand, and again she repeated the process for each member there.

Rinngggg, Riiiinggggggg, Riiiiiiiiinggggggg.

“Yeah, The Jobs done, send in the bodies,”

Several beat up vehicles known to belong to the Sagarminaga Cartel had shown up at the back alleyway, blocking the exits before several people could be seen, opening the doors, each dressed in black military gear, each one pulling out a body, both a mixture of unconscious and dead bodies inside the back, where in which they laid em down in various locations in the room, placing guns all over the place before exiting out as fast they could. One member of this black ops orginzation had planted a small bomb that could act as a grenade near the back entrance of the buildings exit, and as everyone of this group got out an explosion happened, causing the party to grind to a halt, while the unconscious Sagarminaga Cartel woke up to see what was going. The war had started and they didn’t know it.

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“Where the hell are they?”

“Relax, they’ll be here any minute now, for now we gotta hu-“

The sound of an explosion off in the distance could be heard, followed by the sound of gunfire, then sirens. They weren't aware of what exactly transpired outside, but they were worried; they were a bit worried to begin with, though now that worry began to intensify into fear. Why was there an explosion? Why was there gunfire? Most of all, the man who sat at the edge of his bed began to shake; his knee bouncing as he looked at the two in front of him—one a woman and another a man. Both well-dressed in black and red three-piece suits. Both armed with handguns and several non-lethal throwing items. Both the man and woman looked at one another before an alarm went off, followed by a woman's voice on the speaker.

"Attention guests, the automated lockdown system has initiated. Please stay away from the windows and doors for the time being until the all-clear signal has been given."

The sound of metal slamming down could be heard in a series going down, and all three looked at the windows to see a thick metal sheet block the window and then the door. A small relief, as far as they knew, no one was after them, but the more time passed, the more dangerous the situation had gotten as the gunfighting could be heard in the background.

“I’m calling for backup, we can’t get out of this room, let alone transport him safely out of this city.”

The other two simply nodded, as whoever was originally sent would not be delayed by whatever is going on outside and would most likely be ill-equipped to deal with it all. The woman reached for a radio and dialed it to a specific frequency, where she waited for a voice.

“Bureau of Hero emergency line, how may we be of assistance?”

“We have a high priority asset, located in hotel Horikoshi. Room number 1401. We are requesting immediate backup and evac as the situation in the Neo Kyoto has become hostile, we are locked down and are unable to move the asset out of the hotel. Calling card Bravo Echo Lema Niner seven.”

The sound of typing could be heard from the other end as she wrote down the situation and the calling card, only to have her eyes widen. A priority for sure, as the system stated that it was an at-all-costs mission to get this individual to the B.H.A. H.Q. As such, she began to type up orders to a team that specialized in extractions, along with coordinating the helicopter above.

“Confirmed, we are sending a The Street Dogs, helicopter and a hero to assist in retrieval of the asset, hang tight in there Emergency response out.”

“Hohohohhoooo looks like they’re sitting ducks! This is gonna be an easy mission!”

“Yes, but lets not get too cocky here; it’s a race between us and them, and from what I heard, they’re good at their job so we gotta be fast.”

“Relax will be in and out before they even know it!”

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A sigh came out as the person looked up to look at the group around them, all of them dressed in tactical black gear with masks covering their faces, all of them looking straight ahead as the vehicle they were in sped towards the hotel.

Elsewhere within the city a phone began to ring on one specific Hero, Paradox, a man who just so happened patrolling Neo Kyoto, as for his reasons? Unknown to anyone but him, yet this ring wasn’t voluntery for him to ingore the phone somehow picked it up and connected with the mans built in headset.

“Paradox you have been tasked with retervial of a vital asset, located in Horikoshi, room 1401. Use of deadly force is autheroized if anyone gets in your way, will handel the rest later.”

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New member

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the skies in hues of orange and pink, Terry found himself standing outside a small convenience store in the heart of Los Angeles. He had just finished a long day of training at the hero academy and was looking forward to a refreshing break. Adjusting his black hero costume, he pushed open the store's glass door, greeted by the sound of a cheerful bell.

The store was cozy, with shelves stocked with various snacks, drinks, and daily necessities. Terry made his way to the refrigerated section, eyeing the array of cold beverages. He knew exactly what he wanted, a can of his favorite energy soda. He reached out and grabbed it, feeling the cool metal against his hand. With a smile, he headed to the counter to pay. The store's cashier, a friendly elderly man, scanned the soda and rang up the purchase. Terry handed over the money, exchanging a few pleasant words with the cashier. As he exited the store, he could feel the anticipation building up within him. He was eager to get back to his electric motorcycle and head towards Neo Kyoto, the modern marvel that had recently become a part of Los Angeles.

Neo Kyoto was the result of extensive negotiations between Japanese billionaires and the City of Los Angeles, and it stood as a shining example of cultural fusion and innovation. As a hero-in-training, Terry was intrigued by the advancements the city offered, particularly in technology and heroics. Plus, the prospect of exploring a city with such a unique blend of Japanese and American cultures excited him.

The electric motorcycle gleamed under the streetlights, a symbol of Terry's love for both speed and sustainability. He hopped on, feeling the familiar hum of the engine come to life. The cool evening breeze brushed against his face as he accelerated onto the open road, leaving the city lights behind. The journey to Neo Kyoto was a thrilling one, with the wind in his hair and the energy soda adding a spark to his senses. The city's futuristic skyline gradually came into view, an amalgamation of traditional Japanese architecture and contemporary high-rises. As he cruised through the city's streets, Terry couldn't help but marvel at the blending of cultures and the rapid progress that had brought Neo Kyoto into existence.

He made a quick stop at a bustling street market, eager to savor the mouthwatering fusion cuisine the city had to offer. People from all over the world mingled and chatted, the atmosphere alive with energy and excitement. Terry relished the delicious flavors and embraced the sense of community, feeling a connection to this dynamic and evolving city.

As the night wore on, Terry's electric motorcycle hummed quietly through the streets, exploring every nook and cranny of Neo Kyoto. From the serene Japanese gardens to the bustling arcades and futuristic skyscrapers, he immersed himself in the city's wonders.



New member

Earlier That Day

The usual annoyance of the same birds chirping loudly at his window seal forced him awake an hour before his alarm clock went off. Trying to squeeze in a little more sleep the sun had other plans peaking through the openings of the window curtains. For Cain, it has been quite some time since he left the Monastery to become a vigilante earning him a reputation with the civilians. This popularity with the civilians Cain earned for himself as the hero Paradox and in turn forced the B.H.A to reach out to him for assistance. Since the uprising across the sea followed with the downfall of their number one hero like a domino effect one by one other places fell into a state of chaos with the villains taking up arms and exploiting the situation.


Turning on the television to see what the latest news going about in the world, it wouldn't surprise him of another wannabe hero tragedy. "This is the fourth incident this week of another Quirkless person thinking he can make a difference just to end up in the casualty count. I guess it is time to bring some hope into this city again before the people we are trying so hard to protect burns it down even more than it already is." He let out a deep sigh crawled out of the bed then activated a secret hidden room where a small set up of high-tier computers was stationed, 3-D printers heavily modified by him, and other gadgetry he is working on. More importantly, within a heavily protected military-grade case that only unlocks his bio-signature is where he kept his hero costume. While most professional heroes had agencies they worked at with recruits of inspiring heroes or worked directly from the Hero HQ itself, Cain tended to work from his home. Since he joined the heroes giving up his life as a vigilante to try to restore the reputation tarnished by the villains, he has been paired up with a couple of other heroes though it never lasted long. Either be it from Cain's unique way of going about it or his beliefs stemming from his hero Stein before he became a killer very few lived up to his expectations.


"It's showtime."

Donning his costume he put on his iconic helmet which helped make Paradox who he was. The moment Cain put on his helmet it is as if he flipped on a switch changing completely and this is how he liked it and made it seem like anybody could be Paradox; he was the People's Champion wrapped up in mystery. Nobody ever knew if Paradox possessed a Quirk or was some average talented lunatic who was capable of going toe to toe with villains with Quirks. Now all geared up he took a secret pathway that led to the tunnel subway system where he travels the railing by skateboard. The dark tunnels behind him soon suddenly lit up with a subway train gaining fast behind him, and Paradox with a selfie stick in hand filming himself for the masses. Where most would panic at a speeding subway the eccentric Cain only laughed hysterically in the face of danger pulling out his grappling hook and seeing the next subway station not that far ahead. Firing it to hook on a corner he reeled it in at top velocity propelling him forward before doing a kickflip in the air onto the platform seconds before the subway came careening by grazing him by an inch. Immediately after people came flooding from the subway train to cheer him on with the driver nearly shitting out a brick thinking he almost ran somebody over.

Quickly becoming bashful from all the praise he begin to fumble on his words and made a quick exit out of the station heading upstairs, and took the rooftops with a wave to the crowd below. At the current moment, he was on the prowl for villains running a muck to be taught a lesson when his phone rang then randomly answered itself being requested for a retrieval mission. Before he could cuss them out for hacking into his phone the call already ended which left him irritated but begrudgingly went to go save what he figured was some pompous rich asshole who did little to help the less unfortunate. Putting his selfie stick away, he switched to live feed coming from his helmet as he stealthily made his way to the location of the building to gain some intel on what the situation was. Upon his arrival scouting the area he saw that the place had gone on lock-down which would be troublesome trying to infiltrate and not long after came a vehicle speeding up with a heavily armed tactical unit coming out.

Sneaking down to ground level he hid in an alleyway nearby observing the people and from first glance, he could tell they had some formal training. This wasn't some group of thugs who managed to get a hold of gear but probably a mercenary group or more concerned some group running with a well-trained militia unit. Either way, Paradox knew the first more important thing to do was to slow down this group to buy enough time to get the civilians to safety and then escort the high target out of there. He was not willing to put other people in harm's way for the good of one individual, and this is why he became a vigilante to protect everyone equally without restrictions. He looked around at the live visual feeds broadcasting different things on building displays and hijacked them to display what he was broadcasting to everyone. Although, what the tactical group didn't know was that what he was about to display wasn't directly live feed but what he recorded just a few minutes ago while everybody else watching through his direct channel could see through his direct display. As all the monitors displayed Paradox striking a hero's pose on a rooftop looking down on the unexpected group, they suddenly took arms opening fire at the surrounding roofs with assault rifles and heavy artillery.

"You think we got em' boss?" Says one of the soldiers reloading his clip and looking to the roofs for any signs of movement.

"We don't have time to worry about that, bring out the gear we opening this can of sardines up!"

During their bullet spray on the building's roof lining everybody else witnessed Paradox use that confusion to snatch away one of the members, and chopped him in the back of the neck. Knocking the guy out he quickly disarmed him and his tactical gear putting it on, then switched his live feedback to what is currently going on in real time. They now saw on the monitors and display screens all over the city of Paradox walking up to them but it caused a bit of paranoia about where he was or whose place he swapped with. While they were now becoming suspicious of one another creating chaos amongst them which he was good at he bumped into one of the soldiers pulling the pin from their flash grenade strapped to the chest then tossed a smoke grenade into one of the other soldiers' hands shouting out "Granade!". On top of all of this as the flash grenade went off blinding some and others then the smoke grenade tossed aside quickly with people taking cover, just as quick Paradox slipped within their ranks he already left out undetected to focus on getting inside the building while everybody on live TV within the area of the city just watched this militia group be made a joke of. This would at least buy him some extra time to break in pulling out the small wielding torch he jacked from them to cut a pathway inside on the opposite side of the building through the protective plating.


"Ladies and gentlemen this is why crime doesn't pay, but now on to the main show!"


Aurora Vanisis

New member
Aurora Borgia

If anyone thought tonight was a good night, a certain cyan green haired eye begged to differ. It had started out as a nice day of meeting with friends after class to going out shopping and having a meal into getting ditched by her overly drunk friends that had decided to run where? Who knows.

"Geez, And others wonder why I don't think, So irresponsible. "

She said annoyed as her lavender purple eyes looking around. Getting accustom to the Neon lights of various buildings within NeoKyoto. She knew she should be back home where it was safe. Not out at night to cause more issue with her already crappy situation. She was tapping away on her cell phone. its light glowing over her face as she looked over it in annoyance still not receiving replies. She sighed looking up stopping under a street lamp at the end of a block looking towards a Hotel down the street before hearing a ding from her phone. She looked at the phone in thought as she sighed in relief getting a message from her fiends finally getting back to her. She looked through the wave of drunk text, pinching her noes shutting the phone as she was not able to dedicate braincells to trying to decipher their reasoning tonight.

"God, Mom and Dad are expecting me home in a few hours and what do I tell them? Oh I get ditched by some drunk friends, oh what a good daughter I am."

She spoke in scarcasism to herself in a frustrated whisper. She wanted to enjoy herself with something more then studying and training. That wasn't what tonight seemed to have planned as she was lost in her own frustration cause her to not pay attention to her surroundings before seeing a parade of police and tactical vehicles surrounding the hotel. She blinked in surprise watching the scene infront of her. She wasn't a strange to the police or having to deal with them as her parents were once police officers themselves, who had unfortunately got caught in something more then just their line of work on the streets that had found their home. She watched the scene seem to go in slowmo infront of her eyes as she watching in slight awe.

She placed her phone in her handbag watching the scene before her. She could jump in. She was a third year student of the academy. She could help but the question was. What could someone like her do? She knew what she could do but this wasn't her battle, there was no way she would have been able to get through the police and into the building. No, She was a bystander on the sidewalk, watching the sight infront of her


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"It appears we have a pro hero hiding amongst us; switch over to Delta channel."

A woman's voice could be heard on Paradox's set before it was overtaken by static on the radio channel. While he did his best to cut through the steel metal, it proved to be difficult using conventional means, as it was designed to be highly resistant, even to super-powered attacks. Yet, if The Hero Paradox searched himself, the gear he acquired had three experimental explosive devices with just enough power to break through the metal wall.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is why cri-"

It was at that moment when his live feed was cut off, along with several blocks of power. All signals within the area had been jammed or cut off, and all that could be heard was gunfighting in the background. More and more cars started to streamline in, each one bringing in cartel members. It didn't take long for the city to be engulfed in war, as ordinary citizens by this point had gone to take cover or hide away. Police sirens could be heard in the background as several made their way to the hotel.



Another explosion happened, causing one vehicle to explode followed by several crashing into one another, piling up until the road had been blocked. Several heroes had been bogged down in a fight with other super-powered individuals. Yet, Paradox need not worry about these; what he had to worry about was the group that he had taken down. By this point, the Young Aurora had noticed them, yet something was off about them—the gear they possessed seemed to be more than the usual S.W.A.T equipment. They had clear gas masks that covered their faces, followed by a cloth mask to hide their identity. Their vehicles seemed sturdier than most, and the insignia matched up with Neo Kyoto's local SWAT team. Visually, they appeared normal, but the way they presented themselves was off. The gut feeling the young hero in training had would have been right, as three members blew their way into the wall and immediately began to open fire upon those inside the building.

"The virus has spread; everyone is considered hostile. Shoot everyone within the building and ensure that no one enters or escapes until we are given the all clear."

“Yes sir”

Their voices were disguised by voice changers, and their radios worked perfectly fine, as cell signals and other means of communication had been blocked off. The men began to push whoever had been around the hotel grounds away, setting up barricades across the hotel's entrance, while at the same time, they placed a plastic tarp over the entrance, with it stating it having the biohazard symbol on it


“Everyone move away from this area, this hotel is official under quarantine a suspected terrorist has been located within this hotel and has to be brought into questioning.”

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The heavy steps could be heard to the left of Paradox, as a large and muscular man approached, his height easily over 7 feet. His shoulders were squared, and his muscles were enviable even to bodybuilders. He wore black jeans, a black T-shirt, and a black leather duster that reached down to his ankles. His face was covered by a traditional gas mask, leaving nothing visible, not even his eyes, as his lenses reflected the moonlight.

"Heroes… are a blight upon this land and must be purged. The weak must fall, and the strong will thrive!"


His large frame obstructed the happenings behind him, and with each step he took, the ground below him seemed to melt. Each step brought a heat that wasn't felt by Paradox, but the air around the large man began to warp, as if it was getting hotter and hotter. The most telltale sign was the metal on the wall changing color from its pristine steel color to a hot red. The man's hand reached towards the wall, plunging into it as if it was water before flinging it forward, causing hot bits of steel to fly towards Paradox. In the same movement, his body charged at him, closing the gap between the two until he was within arm's reach of Paradox, extending his arm to grip onto Paradox's head. The heat finally caught up as the area around the two turned a bright red. The man's knee traveled upwards, intending to break not only the mask but also the jaw of Paradox.

“Sir he has engaged with the hero what are your orders?”

“Fire when appropriate”

“yes sir”

The crackling of gunfire could be heard off in the distance as an unknown figure watched high above on a rooftop. The only thing they had with them was a rifle without a scope, as none was needed; the person was able to enhance their vision quite well thanks to their quirk. Their gun aimed true even before one shot was fired. Strangely enough, the sound of the fired gun wasn't any louder than the distant sound of guns going off for Paradox. This bullet's aim was true, and its target was the back leg of Paradox, where it would blow off his leg entirely.Villain boarder.png

Aurora Vanisis

New member
Aurora Borgia

Aurora watched from where she stood at a once seemingly peaceful night of annoyance turning out to be a stand off. She watched the set up as she tilted her head in thought remembering how the police normally acted. From afar, they looked like the Local S.W.A.T Team. She moved closer, ducking into an alley, sittting her purse down, taking off her heels, shirt and skirt, just having her black body suit underneath. This wasn't her set hero suit but one she used to function with her quirk on a daily basis. "I am going to hate this in the morning." She said reaching into her purse bringing a black mask and hair tie out. This was to help her get in and out of the house, nor for crime fighting.

she tied her hair back before slipping on the mask. After ensuring her stuff was secured, she moved quickly and quietly among the shadows of the street watching from behind a newspaper box. She grabbed a few pebbels from near by tossing them off the wall near the closest enemy before tossing another into the ally next to her from her hiding place. She needed to pull one of them from the group She was hoping just one as that was all she needed.