

New member
“Fate is but a dying wish... Of a world that is beyond control. Like a single lotus flower, the future blossoms; upon its petals, two people shall be free.”
"I am both the beginning and the ending of the story that has yet to be written."
"Time flows constantly, it doesn't care about the people struggling."

"What is there to say about a primitive battle such as this? The weak will lose, and that's all there is to it."


Cain Vicious
Epithet: Paradox / Payback (Vigilante; formerly) / The People’s Champion
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Chinese American

Height: 5’10”
Weight: 214 lbs
Blood Type: O negative


Personality: Cain is quickly described by his peers to be a wild card, and somebody who the Hero Association fails to figure out. Since he was a little kid Cain has been known to have a rebellious nature and someone who lives his life at the moment being a free spirit. He is one of the few who is described to carry All Might’s, and Star and Stripe torch with his upbeat personality along with not letting anything stop him from doing what is right. Above all else being raised in a Shaolin Monastery he values freedom and will not hesitate to put down anyone who tries to oppress others. Oftentimes he has a very joyous aura about him even personified when he is out in the streets, Paradox is known as a lighthearted playful Hero no matter the strife yet still can instill fear in those who dare face him. His most noticeable trait is he is very poor at handling people complimenting him. Any form of praise or compliments makes Cain gets extremely bashful and clumsy which is why despite his natural showmanship when on the job, the moment he is done he doesn’t stick for the crowd. In contrast, before changing his ways when he went to fight on the streets as a vigilante, Cain was a lot more serious and brutal towards criminals but never crossed the line of taking their lives. However, this all changed when that line nearly got crossed and he was almost on the brink of taking somebody's life as well as witnessing how the people he had vowed to protect started to question him. Remembering why he decided to become a vigilante the first leaving the Shaolin Monastery, he reflected on the principles taught to him, and with the offer to join the heroes to help repair their reputation amongst the people, he accepted a second chance to honor his code. A secret most doesn’t know about him, even his closest friends are that Cain is a stern believer in Chizome Akaguro's beliefs when he fought as the vigilante Stendhal thinking that true heroes don’t seek fame or riches. Growing up as Shaolin Monk these beliefs matched what he was taught not caring for fame and fortune but doing what was right for the victims and inspired him to become a vigilante. Albeit, he feels somewhere along the line Stendhal lost his way when he decided to become Stain the Hero Killer but never lost faith in what he stood for even if he didn’t approve of his killing. Cain’s conviction follows is no matter how big or small a crime is he will help those in need earning him the moniker of the People’s Champion. Every so often he can take the beatings he gives some villains too far than what most don’t approve of, but for Paradox, it’s all about sending a message.

Notable Features: Cain is shown to have spiky black hair that reaches past his shoulders. His hair is often tied up in a ponytail. He has a lean, muscular body that has been heavily scarred from his years of battle. When patrolling the streets as Payback in his vigilante days, and now his time as the Hero: Paradox, Cain wore casual clothes with just a mask worn. This allowed him to easily appear and disappear out in a crowd whenever he wished without people knowing the better. As a civilian, he tends to wear shirts with “Zero” written on them for the Shaolin Monastery 7 principles.

Relatives: None
Personal Relationships:


Hero / Vigilante (formerly) / Student
Affiliation: Hero Public Safety Commission / Novus Academy / Virtue Killers / B.H.A
Title: Pro Hero
Hero / Special Ops Agent
Previous Partner(s):

Base of Operations: Agency / N.A. Campus



Power: A Rank

Because of Cain’s upbringing as Shaolin Monk at a very young age he underwent strenuous training to improve his physical conditioning and flexibility. His physical strength is noticeably superior to any Olympic-class weightlifter and far superior to normal humans, allowing him to press lift approximately 800 lbs (363 kgs). As he grew older Cain became an extremely skilled and formidable hand-to-hand combatant and martial artist, having been trained very harshly and extensively by multiple Martial Monks and Master Monks ever since he was a child, making him one of the most powerful fighters. His fighting style includes several styles of kung-fu, such as Shaolin-style, Bajiquan, tai chi, Wing Chun, and wushu, as well as taekwondo, muay Thai, silat, Krav Maga, jujutsu, and boxing. He was even able to defeat the villain with a Quirk without using his, going toe-to-toe against him and even almost killing him if not for someone snapping him back to his senses. Cain has also been trained with all kinds of weapons since the age of seven. He intensively trained his body to possess the highest level of strength, speed, stamina, and endurance that a human can have without artificial enhancements. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for an hour before fatigue toxins begin to impair him. Through his Shaolin Kung Fu training he has a deep understanding of human anatomy to locate different pressure points on a person's body; incapacitate, paralyze, severely injure, or kill a person.


While those are all feats he managed to accomplish without the use of his Quirk to aid him, this only adds to Showstopper’s capabilities with his Quirk active. When they thought he was ready, he left the temple to seek out Heroes for help and traveled abroad to broaden his world. Knowing the best way to improve his Quirk was from experience on the field, so he became the vigilante Payback. Unlike Heroes who just patrol until incidents occur or are alerted, Payback hunts them down to pick fights to learn how to harness his Quirk in real fights. Through more experience as a vigilante, Cain came to better understand how to use his quirk offensively and defensively making him a very versatile fighter. Being taught that depending too much on his Quirk can become a crutch, he uses it more as support focusing the time anomalies more on himself to enhance his skills than he does on others unless the situation calls for it. However, in serious fights because of his mental fortitude he can focus one eye's time manipulation on himself, and the other on different target(s) in short bursts but doing so for prolonged use puts a heavy strain on his mind and eyes. His ability to alter the time of objects and people makes Showstopper a very versatile asset which only increases the possibilities with practical use with his martial training.



S Rank

Dedicated years of training have made him an extremely skilled acrobat, gymnast, and aerialist, being able to fluidly dodge attacks from multiple directions using coordinated flips, twists, and sharp turns without losing balance. He often utilizes these talents in combat for both evasive and offensive purposes. He was able to use numerous complex aerobatic maneuvers with ease during the fight against many members of criminal organizations such as Vigilante and Hero. His legs extend with his strength enabling him to vertically leap approximately 10 feet off the ground and 15 feet in a standing broad jump. Cain can run and move at speeds superior to any Olympic-class runners, able to run at speeds up to 35 mph. However, when pushed to his limit, Cain can potentially run up to 41-45 mph. He also can attack faster than the eye can follow. His combat speed seems more enhanced than anything else, as he has frequently kept up with other enemies in combat, and blitzed people before they pull their trigger fingers. He can perform two or three actions in the amount of time that it would take others to react by only activating his right eye to focus on speeding up his body movements. This lets him perform actions at a much faster rate than most fighters, dodge attacks aimed at him, then retaliate at almost the same moment. However, consumes more stamina than usual because Cain must do more moves to be more effective, thus disabling him from fighting long battles while using this technique.

Through his blood and sweat training at the monastery, he has become quite the stealthy combatant. He has mastered an ancient martial art, where the user combines their breath control and footwork to slip into the consciousness of their opponent or intended target. Moving in such a way the brain is unable to process all the little details around them without overworking itself and burning out. As such, instead of accelerating one's movements, it instead makes their movements difficult to perceive since their opponent's brain doesn't recognize it as relevant information, thus making it appear as if they just zoned out until the very moment they're attacked. It is also described as having lightweight steps making minimal to no sound at all. When utilizing this skill he is not able to use Showstopper's fast forward power until the exact moment he attacks which requires perfect timing to use them in tandem with one another.


Technique: B Rank

Despite what he was taught at his monastery they were not very well versed on how to properly train him in the use of Showstopper. What they did teach him though was how to help overcome the drawbacks he faced when overusing his powers to not cripple him. He was trained on how to fight blindfolded and made to learn Zui Quan to teach him how to use strong vertigo he experiences to his advantage to keep some semblance of control. When experiencing vertigo he shifts the way he moves and fights with what most people think of as part of his playful banter with the villains stumbling about like a drunken fool. It is because Paradox's whimsical movements make it difficult for most opponents to predict what he will do, completely changing his fighting style on a whim. This same methodology is evident in his use of Showstopper leaving his opponents in a constant state of uncertainty by switching between speeding up his attacks or slowing down their attacks. By only affecting time dilation's by increments of one second so he can harness his Quirk in longer drawn-out battles extending his limitation without overly exerting himself. Albeit some of the drawbacks, he suffers can only be dealt with by resting and allowing his body to recover. Through meditation practices, he has a better understanding of how to circulate the temporal energy through him to perform quick bursts of speed and other impressive tactics.



Intelligence: S Rank

He is highly knowledgeable and able to pick up on a lot of details even amid battle. He knows a lot about the inner workings and strong points of the human body and either exploits them or helps others improve upon them. Through multiple exercises both mentally and physically he learned how to control his nervous system enabling him to deaden his body to physical pain by building up his pain tolerance, resist the effects of drugs or poisons, limit the spread of toxins in his bloodstream, and even slow down his bleeding rate in the middle of combat. Whether he is about to go into combat, issuing orders to those who are in combat, or is personally involved in combat himself, Cain's general approach is the same: he remains aware of all actions that allies and opponents make, even things that seem insignificant at the time or that he doesn't yet understand; he keeps track of where everything is located concerning everything else, even features that lack obvious practical use; he studies the behavior of all combatants, gradually learning how they react in any given situation. By then focusing on this vast amount of information he can quickly think multiple moves ahead of his opponent(s) and devise over a hundred strategies, from which he instantly picks the most effective. Such strategies are often highly elaborate and use multiple layers of misdirection, where he takes small victories just to eliminate extraneous factors, pretends defeat to re-position opponents, and engineers conditions that will lead opponents to defeat themselves.

This level of clarity is something that is not easy to come by and is built up from Cain's learning on the fields as Vigilante. Most would say this is something that can’t be taught but needs to be learned through experience firsthand from trial and error. He always believed the mind and body must be perfectly in sync with one another to achieve perfect harmony, and it was for this reason Cain ended up studying abroad in Japan for a short while before becoming Vigilante. While not focused upon as much in his role as Hero, Cain has undergone training during his time with MI-6 and is familiar with many espionage tactics and methodologies. Upon returning to America, he used his connections and knowledge to earn him a place in the Virtue Killers without ever drawing suspicion on himself, seeing more value in keeping your enemies closer. Up until the present Cain’s careful decision-making and skills in infiltration leaves the Hero Organization none the wiser of the fine line in the gray world he walks as well in the underground activities he partakes in for his entertainment.


Cooperativeness: C Rank

While Cain has a very easygoing attitude and does not seem to take anything seriously which makes him get along with most others this same mindset causes issues. He generally doesn’t care who it is he works with but when it comes to the planning side of things, his free will can often inhibit plans if he decides to act on a whim. Embodying similar characteristics to Star and Stripe, displaying a disregard for rules if they are unjust and what some claim as too careless from boldly telling Hero Association if someone is in danger or need of help they can’t stop him from helping those in need no matter the consequence. He is not afraid of speaking the truth and saying what is on his mind telling some heroes who are “fake heroes” they are disgraceful no matter what their ranking is in the association and refuse to work with them. The select few who do get past Cain's demeanor and his antics towards villains come to understand that he is quite a reliable ally and can meld with other Heroes fighting styles without issue. Paradox’s keen intellect allows him to play a supportive or leading role with his Quirk as long you are on the right side of justice.


Quirk Name: Showstopper
Quirk Type: Emitter
Quirk Ability: When Cain activates his Quirk both of his eyes change into golden clocks that adapt immediately to new methods/scales of timekeeping and calendars, regardless of what time zone, planet, or culture, etc. Passively he possesses intuitive knowledge of the temporal movement, a perfect internal clock, always knowing the exact date and time. Using his perfectly precise internal clock that allows him to analyze and calculate time and easily keep track of anything to the second. The main power of his Quirk is it allows him to manipulate time around him to certain degrees by harnessing temporal energies to alter the flow of time. His right eye is capable of fast forward time while his left eye possesses the power to rewind time. If he chooses he can activate only one of his eyes at a time, or have both of them at play but depending on the situation he tends to only keep one eye active to help preserve his stamina. When both eyes are active though he can channel the temporal energy through his body like it was his chi, and redirect that energy out in a blast of energy or to focus on altering time around himself instead of manipulating things in his sight.

Quirk Limitations/Caveats:
He can only alter the time of anything in his line of sight excluding himself.

The Quirk Factor lies within Cain's eyes, so if one or both are damaged or destroyed, he is limited on how to use Showstopper.

Larger objects require more focus and sometimes can force him to tunnel vision.

As of currently he can only keep his Quirk active for one hour altogether without risk.

Going past the current limit can range from him experiencing vertigo or temporarily blindness until he lets his eyes recover for a small duration. When overusing his Ultimate Technique it causes his eyes to bleed, and the Quirk becomes inaccessible for 24 hours leaving him blind during that duration.

He can only alter the time of living beings by 5 seconds, and inanimate objects by 10 seconds currently. When using rewind on people it more so slows/delays their actions then actually reverse it like what happens with inanimate objects.

Ultimate Moves

Act 1: Flash Back - He restores inorganic items back to the state they were in before they took damage in the last 10 seconds. Anything organic have their movement slowed for seconds. Although, he can reverse time on himself but any damage reversed doubles the pain experienced. This ability is controlled through his left eye.
Act 2: Flash Forward - He fast forwards an object's into the future by 10 seconds, making it rush to attack an opponent. On organic things like himself he accelerates their time 5 seconds into the future to hasten their actions. This ability is controlled through his right eye.
Act 3: Headliner - After slowing his opponents movement down by second(s), he delivers a powerful punch to interrupt or counterattack the opponent's attack by striking them in vital point that throws off their equilibrium and can open them up for further attacks.
Act 4: Standing Ovation - Advanced variation of Headliner he can only use in small burst before taking a breather. An attack that has gathered force through rapidly spinning on a central point and channeling the built up momentum. The technique is essentially a three step kick, where after knocking the opponent's head in two direction with the first and second kick, shaking the opponent's brain, then follows up by rapidly spinning and kicking the opponents head in the opposite direction to finish the opponent.
Act 5: Spotlight - He fires out powerful blast of temporal energy from his eyes that can slow his opponent's time - decreasing their movement speed and deal concussive damage.
Intermission: Temporal Convergence - He is able to freeze the time of everything in front of him for 2 seconds when both eyes are active, but drains a lot out of him among other setbacks. (Listed in Limitations)
Finale: Temporal Justice - When the opponent strikes, Paradox slams his knee or elbow into the chest of his opponent, where the heart is. Combined with the force of his strike and the power behind his opponent's speed, the attack is powerful enough to stop a person's heart on impact. This is one of his more brutal attacks while he can perform it without killing them, the damage to the heart greatly decreases their ability to continue fighting.



Equipment: Throwing Knives / VK Mask Disguise
Grappling Hook

paradox mask.jpg

Paradox’s Helm
His iconic fully collapsible helm he wears when he dons his Paradox costume. While the majority of the rest of his costume consists of military-grade hoodies tailored for extreme sports and activities, his neon helmet is the only real technological device he wears. The helmet itself is designed to be very durable to protect his Quirk knowing most enemies will rush straight to disabling them from news about what happened to Eraser Head across seas. With a built-in neuro link that responds to Paradox’s brain waves. This feature allows the facial expressions to respond to how Cain feels and thinks, giving his mask helping with his playful trickster-like antics. The helmet on a technological level mainly provides Paradox with different spectrum's of sight to help assist him with Showstopper: Infrared Vision, Night Vision, and HUD system that quickly locks on different objects, obstacles, and threats marking them with neon purple to help him pinpoint what to focus on if needed. Besides that, it has a built-in communication device. Similar to how Shota’s Eraser Goggles are used, Paradox helm is also used to hide his line of sight and eyes so they never know when his Quirk is active.

Hyper-Density Dice
Pouch with special dice that weigh 5 kilograms (11 pounds) each. He could throw these objects with great force and accuracy. When used with his Quirk fast forwarding the projectiles with a greater amount of speed and force they can easily incapacitate someone on the receiving end. When used with his slingshot they can be fired further distances and precision.

Slingshot Gauntlet
For silent and long ranged take-downs, Cain utilizes a hand-drawn underarm-mounted dart launcher with incredible accuracy; his preferred target is the joints and pressure points.


Likes: Bringing people smiles, meditating, freedom, training, helping those in need, working with his hands, martial arts.
Dislikes: Those who use their Quirks to harm innocent, getting complimented, oppressors, fake heroes.
Hobbies: Heroism, Competitive martial arts, cage fighting
Favorite Foods: Sweets and spicy food.




Character Appearance:



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