San Fernando


Staff member
The history of San Fernando is steeped in mystery, as the city's survival during the quirk awakening remains an enigma to this day. Speculation suggests that the individuals whose quirks awakened in San Fernando possessed an innate and unwavering sense of justice. This collective determination played a vital role in the city's ability to weather the storm. However, amidst the chaos and upheaval, a handful of individuals emerged who sought to exploit their newfound powers for personal gain, bringing chaos and disorder to the city.

Furthermore, San Fernando became a magnet for those with nefarioSan Fernando.pngus intentions, with various individuals and groups aiming to subjugate or even annihilate the city entirely. Despite enduring immense suffering, the resilient people of San Fernando managed to survive and rebuild their beloved home.

The population of San Fernando today remains deeply committed to upholding justice and maintaining law and order. With the watchful eyes of vigilant citizens, dedicated heroes, and diligent law enforcement, hiding criminal activities within the city has become a formidable task. However, even in a city driven by justice, crime still occurs.

The Sagarminaga Cartel operates in secret within San Fernando, employing seemingly legitimate businesses to launder their ill-gotten gains, effectively transforming them into "clean money." Their activities are further facilitated by a corrupt local government system, which selectively targets and arrests rival criminal organizations, while conveniently turning a blind eye to the activities of the Sagarminaga Cartel. This systemic corruption allows the cartel to operate without hindrance, while giving the illusion of a clear and transparent government.

The local government in San Fernando uses its "tough on crime" stance to win elections repeatedly, further perpetuating the corrupt system. They exploit this façade to cover up their own misdeeds, ensuring that the citizens remain unaware of their true nature. The adage "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" perfectly encapsulates their approach, as they continue to manipulate the political landscape while maintaining an iron grip on power.​