

Staff member
Torrance.jpgTorrance, a city that once lay in ruins, has been resurrected through extensive purchases of land by corporations. Due to the low value of the land, it became an attractive tax haven for these corporations, allowing them to evade local government taxation and maximize their profits. With their financial influence, these corporations wield significant control over every aspect of Torrance, shaping and molding the city to suit their own interests.
The Torrance police force operates in a non-traditional manner, prioritizing the protection of corporations, high-level personnel, and assets above the ordinary citizen. They go to great lengths to conceal the misdeeds of the corporations, even extending their reach beyond their district to retrieve or destroy potentially damaging evidence or assets. The police force acts as a shield, safeguarding the interests of the corporations at all costs.

Similarly, local hospitals in the area maintain a facade of providing assistance to anyone in need publicly. However, privately, they have reserved a vast amount of resources and beds exclusively for the use of high-level executives. They are willing to shut down entire wings or redirect resources when catering to the privileged few, while ordinary citizens often face limited access and resources.

Heroes in Torrance face immense pressure, as it is their responsibility to maintain peace and assist all those in need. They are often tasked with venturing into other cities within the Greater LA district to seek true justice or help, as the local system is heavily influenced by corporate interests. Heroes in Torrance have a heavier burden to bear compared to their counterparts in other cities, and their role extends beyond traditional crime-fighting to navigating the complex web of corporate influence.

While some heroes strive to change the status quo and bring about a more equitable system, it remains a daunting task. The corporations in Torrance wield significant influence across all levels of government, making it challenging to challenge their dominance. For many heroes, altering the power dynamics and achieving true justice within the city may seem like an unattainable dream, overshadowed by the immense corporate control that permeates Torrance's governance and social fabric.​